Mission and Installation Contracting Command
The Mission and Installation contracting Command (MICC) - Fort Knox provides Army commands, installations, and activities with disciplined and responsive contracting solutions and oversight.
Create dynamic solutions that leverage the power of contracting to meet the needs of the Army.
- Provide prompt, friendly, and professional service at all times.
- Treat customers and contractors with dignity and respect.
- Recognize customer needs and strive to improve services.
- Achieve socioeconomic and competition goals.
- Establish overall Total Army Quality environment.
- Pursue productive Army Community of Excellence program.
- Promote community relations.
Additional Information
- MEPS Welcome Letter
- PRWEB: Please use GFEBS for all transactions.
- Active Solicitations: Active solicitations are located at https://www.beta.sam.gov
- FY20 Cut-Off dates for Purchase Request Submission For DOD CAC users only