The legal office provides legal services to service members and their Families to include claims, legal assistance, tax preparation, magistrate issues (including tickets), military justice, and administrative, civil, or labor law (including investigating officer appointments).
Fort Knox Qualified Recycling Program
The Army Substance Abuse Prevention program provides education & early intervention to help commanders, civilian supervisors, and the installation community reduce lifestyle risk factors to increase healthy outcomes.
Fort Knox Crime Prevention Office
The mission of Administrative Services Division is to provide oversight, training, and guidance for the Fort Knox Document Management Program in Record keeping, Army Addresses, Correspondence Preparation, Office Symbols, Official Mail and Distribution, Forms, and Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act.
Soldier for Life-Retirement Services Office (SFL-RSO) provides quality service, guidance and information to Soldiers and their Families transitioning from active duty to retirement. SFL-RSO assists Soldiers and spouses in making a clear and concise Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) election. SFL-RSO also continues to provide service, updates and guidance to all retirees, spouses and their children.
The Casualty Assistance Office provides assistance to next-of-kin of critically injured, ill or deceased service members, retirees, and veterans to include benefits counseling; military funeral honors; and Casualty Assistance / Notification Officer training.
The Army Continuing Education System (ACES), Directorate of Human Resources, provides a wide range of educational opportunities, both academic and nonacademic, as well as training opportunities, to members of the Fort Knox community.
To ensure enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), and provide Common Access Cards (CAC) and/or Official Identification Cards to Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees as well as Civilian and Contract Employees working on Fort Knox.
Our mission is to deliver friendly, diverse services to Soldiers, their Families, retired military, government civilians, and government contractors. Furthermore, our office provides sustainment services to maintain mission readiness of military personnel, Family members and commanders of the community.
The Housing Services Office offers a broad array of services for service members, their families and DoD civilians.
Privately owned weapons and ammunition must be controlled. The Senior Commander (SC) has clear authority and responsibility to regulate privately owned weapons, explosives, and ammunition on Fort Knox. Personnel who remove privately owned weapons from Fort Knox will comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws pertaining to ownership, possession, and registration. Weapons Registration Office is responsible for ensuring weapons are registered IAW with applicable regulations.
The Fort Knox AMPO provides world class finance support to the Fort Knox Community.
The Fort Knox religious support office provides comprehensive religious support for the spiritual and moral needs of Soldiers, other service members, Family members, retirees, and authorized civilians.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEO) administers the discrimination complaint process for Department of the Army civilian employees at Fort Knox, along with the Affirmative Employment Program Plan, the Disability Program and Special Emphasis Program Committees and is responsible for educating the workforce in all aspects of EEO.
The EEO staff monitors the civilian workforce to ensure that employment decisions are made without regard to the age, race, national origin, color, gender, religion or disability of an employee or applicant for employment.
The installation provides motorcycle safety training under the Installation Management Command’s (IMCOM) Army Traffic Safety Training Program contract. Course attendance is limited to active duty, reserve and guard service members (on orders), and DoD civilian employees whose job description requires motorcycle operation.
The Post Exchange provides Soldiers and Airmen with the services and merchandise they need to make their lives more comfortable. The Exchange also maintains services and support to family members and troops back home. Service members, retirees and their families have the option to visit the Exchange.
The installation offers on-base lodging through IHG Army Hotels.
Child & Youth Services programs are designed to foster and develop children's physical, intellectual and socio-emotional capabilities.
Army Community Service (ACS) provides the following programs and resources for service members their families, retirees and DoD Civilians: Army Emergency Relief (AER), Army Family Action Plan (AFAP), Army Family Team Building (AFTB), Army Volunteer Corps (AVC), Exceptional Family Member Progam (EFMP), Family Advocacy Program (FAP), Financial Readiness Program, Information, Referral & Follow-up (IR&F), Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC), Mobilization, Deployment & Support Stability Operations (MD&SSO), New Parent Support Program, Relocation & Employment Readiness Program, Survivor Outreach Services (SOS).