All Soldiers assigned, attached, or with duty to Fort Knox for 30 days or more, including RC Soldiers on a contingency or operational support mission report to Rockenbach Hall, Building 2020, 159 Black Horse Regiment Road, Room 130 to complete installation in-processing. If the Soldier is on PTDY, they should report to their unit prior to reporting to Processing Control Station (PROC CS).
- During Duty Hours
- Soldiers will report to PROC CS for processing from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday. Soldiers signing in from leave during duty hours should have their DA Form 31 (Request and Authority for Leave), and reassignment orders to include all amendments. Processing includes confirmation of assignment, publication of amendments (if applicable), updating personnel files and scheduling in-processing appointments.
- After Normal Duty Hours
- All Soldiers arriving after duty hours are required to sign in at the Department of Emergency Services (DES) building 298 on Gold Vault Road. Contact number is (502) 624-6847.
- Incoming Soldiers Requiring Billeting
- The DES will coordinate billeting with Garrison for Single Soldiers Private thru Staff Sergeant. All officers, Senior NCOs and all married Soldiers, upon signing in with the DES, will report to New Garden Inn, 406 North Knox Street, Bldg 1327. New Garden Inn can be reached at (502) 943-1000.
Online Out-Processing Briefing
- This briefing is intended to provide guidance for completing installation out-processing. You will also receive information on agency locations and points of contact (POC) for the various agencies on Ft. Knox. It is our goal to provide you, the Soldier, all of the information you need to out-process efficiently.
- Online Out-Processing Briefing (Please select ‘Save’)
All Soldiers within 30-60 days of PCSing, ETSing, retiring, or transitioning from the Army are required to attend an out processing briefing IAW AR 600-8-101. Installation out-processing briefings are conducted the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 2:30 p.m. Briefings are held at Rockenbach Hall, Building 2020, 159 Black Horse Regiment Road, Room 130. Soldiers may attend the briefing without documentation, however clearance papers will not be issued until all required documents are received by PROC CS:
- Orders, including amendments
- An approved DA Form 31: Request and Authority for Leave
- DA Form 5434, Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet with a confirmed sponsor. Applicable for Soldier’s in the rank of PVT- SSG, 2LT- CPT, WO1- CW2.
- Total Army Sponsorship Training or Electronic Sponsorship Application and Training (eSAT) certificate. Register for the Total Army Sponsorship training in ATRRS and complete in ALMS or register for eSAT training at:
- ACT out-processing survey
- Passport verification form (if applicable). Note: Personnel driving to Alaska will require a passport.
For information pertaining to this briefing call (502) 626-0183.
Clearance Papers
- DA Forms 137-1: Unit Clearance Record
are issued by the Soldiers unit S1.
- DA Form 137-2: Installation Clearance Record
will be issued by the PROCESS CONTROL STATION 10 duty days prior to departure for all personnel. The departure date is determined by factoring in leave, permissive TDY and transitional leave.
Final Out-Processing Appointment
- Bring the following documents to the PROC CS on the final out-processing date:
- Installation Support Modules (ISM) checklist
- DA Form 137-1, Unit Clearance Record, signed by the Commander, 1SG, or S1
- DA Form 31 with control number
- SOES (SGLI Online Enrollment System) Certificate of Coverage
- DD Form 2648, Service Member Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling and Career Readiness Standards eForm
- Most recent LES
Required Documents for Permanent Party Out-Processing
- Dental Records - Jordan Dental Clinic (502) 626-8301
- Medical Records - IACH Outpatient Records (502) 624-9291
- Immunization Records - IACH Immunization Clinic (502) 624-9920
- CIF records (DA Form 3645: Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment Record)
- CAC card - MILPO (502) 626-0183 - If you have not been issued a CAC card, you should go to the ID Card Section prior to your out-processing date to have a CAC card issued.
- Identification tags (2 sets) MILPO (502) 626-0183
- Medical Warning Tags (If applicable) - Clinic 2 at IACH (502) 624-0498
- PCS Orders with all amendments (3 Copies)
- DA Form 4036 Medical/Dental Preparation for Overseas Movement (if applicable) (502) 624-7476
- DA Form 5305-R: Family Care Plan (If applicable)
- DA Form 31: Request and Authority for Leave - Leave Form - Losing Unit
- SGT and above - NCOER/OER as applicable or a Memorandum from the BN S1
TDY for 90 Days or More
IAW AR 600-8-101: Personnel Processing and DA PAM 600-8-101: Personnel Processing, all personnel that will be in a Temporary Duty status for 90 days or more are required to out-process through PROC CS. DA Form 137-2: Installation Clearance Record will be issued by PROC CS.