The Army Continuing Education System's mission is to vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities to sharpen the competitive edge of the Army by providing and managing quality self-development programs and services.
Army Emergency Relief is the Army's own emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to "Helping the Army Take Care of its Own."
Army Housing Online User Services is the Army's official website for Soldiers and their families looking for information regarding Army family housing (on-post), unaccompanied housing (barracks), or community housing (off-post). It includes detailed reference information and quick links for Army installations all over the world.
The Military Pay Office provides finance and accounting services for military and defense agencies, including military pay operations for active duty Army and National Guard service members.
The Army Substance Abuse Program, or ASAP, promotes prevention through education and training related to alcohol/substance abuse and suicide. ASAP also provides drug testing and other services for both Soldiers and civilian employees.
The Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, or BOSS, program is a Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program for single Soldiers. The BOSS Council organizes and conducts activities that include trips to the beach, outer islands and off-post entertainment. The BOSS Lounge is a center for activities and parties.
To be eligible to get precleared, the soldier members needs to have their DD93/SGLI up to date and valid with in a year's length of the separation date assigned on their orders.
If soldier member is precleared, a name of a records manager should appear in the stamp box once printed. That means they do not have to physically come into the office to clear.
The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment.
The Community Information Exchange, or CIE, is a monthly meeting that informs Soldiers and families on installation and community matters.
U.S. Army Hawaii's Community Resource Guide is a comprehensive inventory of programs and services available to the local military community.
The Consolidated Legal Center provides a full range of legal services. Our judge advocates advise commanders on military justice, administrative and operational law matters; they advise and represent trial defense clients; and provide legal assistance to service members, retirees and their families across Hawaii.
Get the latest information about the status of COVID-19 within U.S. Army Hawaii.
The Promotions & Personnel Section provides customer service to Soldiers for Non-PSDR units in Hawaii and remote sites. Customer service include several S1 services such as maintenance of service member’s official military personnel files, Printing Promotion Certificates, and Clearing Out-processing Soldiers.
Schedule an appointment to get your common access card, or CAC, or military ID card online. It's quick and easy. Have you lost your CAC or did someone steal your ID card? Do you need to add a family member to DEERS? We can help!
Did you know U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii has a mobile app? Digital Garrison securely delivers information from more than 60 Army installations around the world. The app is free and available on both Android and Apple devices.
Information about U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii's directorates and staff offices.
eBenefits is the result of a collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. They serve veterans, service members, wounded warriors, their family members, and their authorized caregivers.
The Emergency Management program provides oversight for emergency planning and preparedness, crisis management situations and reduce the risk of emergencies impacting the U.S Army Garrison Hawaii community through preparedness.
The eMILPO/Personnel Automation Section's mission is to manage installation personnel, accounting, strength reporting and the eMILPO database for data accuracy and accepted timelines within the Department of the Army standards.
Today's Army offers a broad range of civilian employment opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds, educational achievements, work interests and job skills.