MISSION:  The U.S. Army Financial Management Command delivers precision enterprise-wide financial operations to integrate, synchronize and sustain the battlefield through the Joint Strategic Support Area and directly supports the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller in their role as the principal advisor on all matters related to financial management and comptrollership.

Effective 1 August 2023, All Clearing (PCS, ETS, Retirement) will be conducted in person. No digital clearing will be completed.

In Person clearing can be completed at the Soldier Support Center room 217 from 0900-1130 and 1200-1530 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and Thursday from 1200-1530. Soldiers who attend the Separations/Retirment Brief may not clear until 1200 that day.

PCS Clearing: Soldiers will review the PCS Out Processing Brief below and bring the following documentation to Room 217 in the Soldier Support Center for In Person clearing.  

  1.   PCS Orders to include any amendments
  2.   Absence Requests via IPPS-A
  3.  DA Form 137-1 Unit clearing papers.  Ensure block 19 is signed by the 1SG/CDR
  4.  DA Form 137-2 Installation clearing papers. All areas must be cleared except for Final Out

Separations/Retirements Clearing:  All Soldiers MUST attend the mandatory Separations/Retirement Brief. Briefs are conducted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 0900-1000 at the Soldier Support Center Room 228C. Soldiers must bring the following documentation. Soldiers who do not have documentation listed below will not be allowed to attend brief and will have to obtain documentation and attend the next available brief.

  1.   Separation/Retirement Orders to include any amendments
  2.   Absence Requests (if taking leave)
  3.   DD Form 214 (working copy)


1. PCS Out Processing Brief (pdf)

2. PCS Out Processing is located at the Soldier Support Center, 2702 Michigan Ave. Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and noon - 3:30 p.m.; closed Thursdays from 9 a.m. - noon. 

3. Advance DLA Request (pdf)

4. PCS Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)

Documentation needed in order to complete Smart Voucher to In-Process Finance:

  1. PCS In Processing Brief and Smart Voucher Instructions (pdf)
  2. Leave Form (DA Form 31) for PCS leave (signed out block 14, signed-in block 16)
  3. Complete set of PCS Orders (front and back) to include and amendments.
  4. DD Form 1610 (TDY orders), if applicable, which cover the date of departure from your last duty station to arrival at Fort Campbell
  5. Commercial travel (tickets/receipts) with zero balance, if applicable
  6. Lodging receipts with a zero balance
  7. Receipts for any reimbursable expense of $75 or more

1. There is a MANDATORY Separations Brief held at the Soldier Support Center (2702 Michigan Ave.) every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. in Room 228C.

2. ETS/Retirement Separation Brief (pdf)

3. Separations Section is located at the Soldier Support Center room 217, 2702 Michigan Ave. Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and noon - 3:30 p.m.; closed Thursdays from 9 a.m. - noon. S

Only Soldiers that have one of the below issues will be seen at our office.  If you do not have one of the below issues, please go to your S1 and either submit your documents to them or have your S1 assist you in submitting a CRM Pay Inquiry via IPPS-A. 

  • You received a No-Pay-Due on your LES
  • Your Direct Deposit did not reach your bank
  • Your allotment did not reach the intended recipient
  • A garnishment did not reach the intended recipient
  • You have a debt on your LES and you would like to inquire about the debt or submit your debt letter for action
