Reporting for duty
All Soldiers reporting to Fort Campbell must sign in at the 1st Lt. J. Robert Kalsu Replacement Company, located at 2443 Kentucky Ave. & 20th St. The barracks are located at 2311 Kentucky Ave. & 20th St.
What to bring - IPPSA PCS Absence, PCS Orders
Check in - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Uniform - Soldiers reporting between 5:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. must be in Army Combat Uniform IAW AR & DA PAM 670-1.
Billeting - Reption company cadre will coordinate in-processing, and billeting will be provided for single Soldiers below the rank of staff sergeant. Soldiers accompanied by their Families and Soldiers above the rank of sergeant are authorized billeting in the Holiday Inn Express Turner Guesthouse ✪ on a space-available basis. (Soldiers using TLE or TLA are not required to stay in the on-post hotel.
All Soldiers must report the day after the “end date” annotated on their IPPSA absence or on their report date, whichever is sooner. (Soldiers do not report to housing for any PTDY purpose)
Transportation - For information on airport commercial ground transportation options, to and from Fort Campbell, visit our Getting to Fort Campbell page. The information desk on the 1st Floor of BNA-Nashville has more information and welcome bags for Soldiers travelling through.
✪ Denotes external links