Do you live in the barracks or on-post housing and have repairs that need to be made or concerns related to poor service, lack of a response by maintenance, etc.? Use the information below to find out who to contact.
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Campbell Crossing
Works Orders and Pest Control
Click on the photo above to login to Campbell Crossing Residential Services ✪.
Non-Emergency Work Orders and Pest Control call 931-431-3966.
Emergency Work Orders call 931-431-6029.
Grass Cutting call 1-800-481-0096.
Housing Services Office
24/7 Housing Hotline
If you have unresolved concerns or questions or are experiencing difficulties with housing maintenance, repairs, or conditions – call the 24/7 Housing Hotline at (270) 956-4728. The 24/7 Housing Hotline is operated by the Housing Services Office, your advocates for all housing needs.

Works Orders and Pest Control
For maintenance emergencies affecting life, healthy, or safety, please call 270-798-1200. For all maintenance requests for barracks, Soldiers must use the Army Maintenance Application. The Army Maintenance Application is available through the Digital Garrison App. Digital Garrison App is a free app available to anyone for download at the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Android. Once the app is downloaded, users will be prompted to create an account. By selecting Fort Campbell as the location of choice, users will have all of the installation’s information available instantly. Within the Digital Garrison App, click the Army Maintenance Application link and create an ArMA account. Information required to register includes military email address, location/building of residence, unit and phone number. Users can specify their ArMA notification preferences as email, text message or both during registration. There is also the ability for Soldiers to report bugs or errors to the app developers and Fort Campbell Directorate of Public Works.