
“Remember that marriage is not a contest, you should never keep a score. God has put the two of you together on the same team to win.”
      -Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher, Guinness Record Holders for Longest Marriage

Dealing with frequent moves, long deployments and major transitions requires stamina and strength.

Building and maintaining healthy relationships and strengthening problem-solving skills can help your family effectively navigate the challenges of daily living experienced in the unique context of military service.

It can also help to be knowledgeable about the resources available to military families to improve quality of life, support financial readiness, and enrich family relationships.


STRONG BONDS ($VARIES, UNIT Chaplain): Tailored to the unit's need, Unit Chaplains Provides tools to assist Soldiers and Families with resiliency skills

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this training is to provide tools to assist Soldiers & Families with resiliency skills. These events can help build resiliency that is tailored to the unit’s needs / requests.

SIZE: Only half-day trips available, contact UMT

LEAD TIME: 2 Weeks


COST: Varies per requests, contact UMT

MATERIALS: Location, books

POC: Unit Ministry Team (UMT)

ADVENTURE PROGRAMS ($$, ADVENTURE PROGRAMS): The Adventure Program offers a variety of trips throughout the year such as skiing, white water rafting, hiking, climbing, mountain biking, and family adventures.

We are available by reservation for Organizational Days, Unit Events, Spouse Groups, Church Events, Clubs, and Private Organizations. We will offer some great adventure trips throughout the year such as skiing, white water rafting, hiking, climbing, and family trips. Private trips and programing is available. We offer outdoor education experiences and instructional programs for those who want to learn more about the outdoors. Keep your eyes open for these activities during the year. Visit MWR Online to view upcoming trips and events! Our programs can range from 2 hours to 8 hours long, even lock-ins or overnight. We also offer customized programing in Climbing, Rappelling, First Aid, Camp Fire Cooking, and more. No Army affiliation required. Open to the public.


CHALLENGE COURSE COMPLEX ($$, ADVENTURE PROGRAMS): An exciting and adventurous way to test your skills both individually and with a team.

The Odyssey: Is our largest structure at 50 feet high and 360 feet long. Includescargo nets, zip lines, a broken bridge, and cables suspended in mid-air.Individuals have the opportunity to work in teams to traverse from one side tothe other. For ages 12 and up.

The Carolina T-Wall: Sitting just shy of 50 feet tall, has eight different facessimulating a realistic style of rock climbing. For ages 5 and up.

The Alpine Tower: Shaped like an hour glass, this 50 foot high obstacle course isthe ideal adult jungle gym. Participants work in teams or as individuals toascend the many cargo nets, ropes, poles, and hanging ladders. For ages 5 andup.

The Team Development Course: Consists of many unique challenges; a group ofpeople work as a team to solve problems and move across the course together.

Call for pricing. Minimum of $100 toreserve your event.


INDOOR CLIMBING WALL ($$, ADVENTURE COURSE COMPLEX): The Indoor Climbing Wall is open for all participants to learn how to rock climb or to improve their current skills.

DESCRIPTION: The Indoor Climbing Wall is open for all participants to learn how to rock climb or to improve their current skills. Climbing programs are available for beginners to experienced climbers (ages 5 and up).

CLASS SIZE: Min of 8 LEAD TIME: 2 weeks

EXECUTION TIME: 1-2 hours COST: $10 per person

MATERIALS: Safety equipment and staff to facilitate activities


GEAR TO GO EQUIPMENT RENTAL ($$, GEAR TO GO): Gear To Go is a premier facility for leisure time, moving, and party rentals.

Gear To Go is a premier facility for leisure time, moving, and party rentals.You won’t believe all the equipment we have – boats, campers, pick-up trucks,15 passenger vans, SUVs; cargo, motorcycle, ice trailers; riding mowers,lawn & garden equipment; inflatables, tents, table & chairs – the list goes on.


RV PARKS, CABINS & PAVILIONS ($$, MWR): Fort Campbell MWR hosts 2 RV parks, 4 rustic cabins, 3 deluxe cabins and 3 pavilions. We are able to accommodate a variety of RVs and campers.

DESCRIPTION: Fort Campbell MWR hosts 2 RV parks, 4 rustic cabins, 3 deluxe cabins and 3 pavilions. We are able to accommodate a variety of RVs and campers. The RV parks, and cabins, and pavilions are located outside the gate 10 on Fort Campbell.

CLASS SIZE: N/A LEAD TIME: Reservations are not accepted for RV/Camper area (first come-first served), Cabin rentals can be made in December for the following year and are for DoD ID card holders only, and pavilions can be rented at any time.

EXECUTION TIME: N/A COST: RV/Camper sites - $28/night, $650/month Rustic Cabins - $40/night Deluxe Cabins - $60/night Eagles Rest Pavilion - $250/day Little Eagles Rest Pavilion - $250/day Wohali Pavilion - $250/day

MATERIALS: RV/Camper sites have water, sewer access, and electrical service. Rustic cabins are equipped with beds, table and chairs, small refrigerator, microwave, and heating, and air conditioning. Deluxe cabins are fashioned with a bathroom, beds, table and chairs, small refrigerator, microwave, and heating, and air conditioning. Two of the three pavilions are indoors with heat and air conditioning.

POC: 270.798.2629

ARTS & CRAFTS CREATION STATION ($$, WMR): Offers a variety of classes for artists of all ages and skill levels.

DESCRIPTION: The arts and Crafters Creation Station program offers a variety of classes for artists of all ages and skill levels. classes offered include tie dye, glass painting, macrame, mixed media art, marbling, rock painting, flower pot crafts, and more.


LEAD TIME: Based on availability

EXECUTION TIME: About 2 hours

COST: Varies depending on class type

MATERIALS: materials and instructors available

POC: 270-798-3625

ARMY 101 (FREE, ACS): Are you married to a Soldier and have questions about the Army? Perhaps you’ve had questions for a while but have been too afraid to ask. If this is your situation, Army 101 is for you.

Army 101 is a two-day course (9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on both days) where participants are introduced to basic terms, acronyms, and resources that are needed to successfully adapt to Army life. Course is also offered virtually via Microsoft Teams (10 - 11:30 a.m.)

Topics include:

  • Military Life…What Does it Mean? – Understand the Army mission, commitment required, and challenges of military life in order to define realistic expectations to positively impact your military experience.
  • Military Acronyms and Terms – Be able to communicate by employing military-specific language, terms, acronyms and time with Army personnel, DA Civilians, and contractors in a military environment.
  • Chain of Command – Comprehend military structure including rank, chain of command, and basic unit organization to interact successfully with the military community.
  • Benefits and Entitlements – Decipher the Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) and differentiate between available benefits and provided entitlements to select the most favorable to meet individual needs.
  • Social Functions – Apply the skills needed to assist in feeling comfortable with social aspects of the military lifestyle.
  • Customs, Courtesies, Ceremonies, and Traditions– Understand and exhibit appropriate behavior in accordance with proper military customs, courtesies and protocol in daily military life leading to personal satisfaction and a sense of belonging.
  • Introduction to Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRG) – Understand the mission, structure, and purpose of Family Readiness Groups and discuss the benefits that FRGs bring to the entire military community.
  • Introduction to Military & Civilian Community Resources – Learn about select military and community resources appropriate to meet various life situations, especially resources available in the Fort Campbell community.

POC: ACS ARMY FAMILY TEAM BUILDING: 270-798-4800 / 270-956-2934


EXPECTANT PARENT VIRTUAL WORKSHOP (FREE, ACS NEW PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM): Our Expectant Parent Virtual Workshop provides information about caring for a newborn before and after birth.

Our Expectant Parent Virtual Workshop provides information about caring for a newborn before and after birth.

The topics include infant care, baby basics, bonding with baby, infant crying, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SUIDS), prevention, and more.

New Parent Support is here to ease parents’ concerns, worries, and answer any questions.Let us help you be ready to bring your little bundle of joy home!

Workshops are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 10 - 11 a.m. via Microsoft Teams.



NEW PARENT PLAY MORNINGS (FREE, ACS NEW PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM): designed to help develop fine motor skills, social interaction, improve overall health, and provide a structured environment where infants, toddlers, and parents can engage.

Play Mornings are designed for Ages (0-3). Designed to help develop fine motor skills, social interaction, improve overall health, and provide a structured environment where infants, toddlers, and parents can engage.


COUPLES COMMUNICATION (FREE, FAP): Learn to be a better communicator by creating the best possible climate for communicating through empathy, asking the right questions and understanding the person’s viewpoint.

Our workshop is a fun and practical session that teaches the basic principles of effective communication. Getting your message across in away that is clear and coherent is a critical skill in your professional and personal life. Learn to be a better communicator by creating the best possible climate for communicating through empathy, asking the right questions and understanding the person’s viewpoint and understand how non-verbal communication and feedback influence how your message comes across.

POC: FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM: 270-412-5500 / 931-980-5787


THE TALE OF TWO BRAINS (FREE, FAP): ​Join us in participating in this hilarious marriage enrichment workshop that discusses how men and women are wired differently, communicate differently, and most importantly, how they think differently.

Join us in participating in this hilarious marriage enrichment workshop that discusses how men and women are wired differently, communicate differently, and most importantly, how they think differently. Based off Mark Gungor’s DVD series, Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage.

POC: FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM 270-412-5500 / 931-980-5787

NCO GUIDE TO PREVENTION (FREE, FAP): This highly interactive program focuses on E-5s through E-8s. It is designed to assist NCOs in recognizing problems at the lowest level and knowing what resources are available.

This highly interactive program focuses on E-5s through E-8s. It is designed to assist NCOs in recognizing problems at the lowest level and knowing what resources are available. The intent is to assist Soldiers and Families in resolving problems before they become a crisis and interfere in the mission. A few of the topics include effective communication, services available and shared experiences. Scheduled through interested companies. Classes are kept to 25 NCOs or less.

POC: FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM 270-412-5500 / 931-980-5787

5 LOVE LANGUAGE SEMINARS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS (FREE, FAP): Maintaining Healthy Relationships is a daily, lifelong pursuit. The secret is learning the right love language!


Join us for a fun-filled morning, and discover how to express unconditional feelings of respect, affection, and commitment that will resonate in their souls. Based off Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages of Children.


Maintaining Healthy Relationships is a daily, lifelong pursuit. The secret is learning the right love language! Millions of people have learned the simple way to express their feelings and bring joy back into their marriages and Families.


A good apology taps into your skills of communication, empathy, and trust. Even if it's a minor apology, it's still kind of a big deal, in an emotional sense. Real apologies require digging deep, making yourself vulnerable, and exposing your flaws to another human being. They're also about making amends. Learning the Five Languages of Apology will help you smooth things over in a sincere way, hit the mark and impart the full measure of your sincerity. You will have the extra benefit of being able to give targeted apologies to your valued relationships.

POC: FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAM: 270-412-5500 / 931-980-5787

RELOCATION READINESS (FREE, ACS): The mission of the Relocation Readiness Program is to minimize the stress of relocation by offering information, skills and resources to Soldiers and Families that will simplify the moving process.

Welcome to Fort Campbell Army Community Service Relocation Readiness Program. Moving is a part of life for Soldiers and their Families. The Relocation Readiness Program offers a comprehensive support system to help you and your Family make permanent change of station (PCS) moves as smoothly as possible. The mission of the Relocation Readiness Program is to minimize the stress of relocation by offering information, skills and resources to Soldiers and Families that will simplify the moving process throughout their military career. If Fort Campbell is your first assignment in the Army, please contact us for guidance on your PCS move. We are here to help you!



READY AND RESILIENT CIRCLE OF SUPPORT WORKBOOK (FREE, READY AND RESILIENT): The Circle of Support Workbook, and its accompanying modules, offers you ways to adjust to deployment that will have a positive impact on you, your loved one, and your Family.

The Circle of Support Workbook, and its accompanying modules, offers you ways to adjust to deployment that will have a positive impact on you, your loved one, and your Family. Each chapter will identify ideas, actions, and resources that you can use to face the challenges of physical separation and sustain your and your Family’s resilience.

These modules were designed based on the input of Family members like you. The topics included are those that your peers felt are most important to making deployment more manageable. You can do the modules at your own pace and in the order that works best for you.

Go to the R2 Website to view more about the workbook and download you free copy.

Did you know that each brigade is assigned 2 Military Family Life Counselors and that their counseling services are completely confidential?

HHBn 270-605-4406
1BCT 270-331-5892 or 931-444-0903
2BCT 270-331-5910
3BCT 270-217-5533 or 270-605-4630
CAB 270-331-5865 or 931-305-9143
DSB 270-605-4396 or 931-305-8020
DIVARTY 270-205-1917
52nd EOD 270-207-8754
5th Group / 160th SOAR (SOCOM) 270-331-5884



The Military and Family Life Counseling Program assists service members, their families and survivors with flexible non-medical counseling when and where needed. Military and family life counselors are highly-qualified professionals trained to understand the unique challenges you encounter and deliver face-to-face counseling services, as well as briefings and presentations to the military community both on and off the installation.



You don’t have to worry that seeking help will impact your service member’s career. Services offered through the Military and Family Life Counseling Program are confidential, not reported to the command, and do not impact a service member’s security clearance. Exceptions to privacy include duty to warn, suspected family maltreatment (domestic violence, child abuse or neglect), harm to self or others, and illegal activity.






42% of Active Duty suicides in 2019 had failed or failing relationships in the 90 days prior to death.

Nearly 1 in 3 NCOs  and nearly 1 in 6 Service Members overall are divorced by age 30. This is compared to 1 in 10 and 1 in 7 civilian men and women respectively.


Solid relationships are important for Warfighter performance. Just like your body, relationships can be made stronger with training. And just as you wouldn’t start training for combat the day before a mission, you shouldn’t start “relationship training” after issues arise





A major part of strong relationships is developing solid communication skills. While there are many ways to express your feelings and thoughts, you can begin training your “communication muscles” by being aware of the words you use to start important conversations. For example, if you start off with angry tones, high-pitched voices, or aggressive behavior, things can quickly escalate into an argument. But if you soften your “start-up” with “I statements” that clearly reflect your point of view, your conversation will probably go much smoother.



The way you express yourself to others—and how you demonstrate understanding of others—is another major part of building a healthy relationship. In order to train in this communication area, practice slowing down before you react. The bonus is you’ll have extra time to check in with your thoughts and feelings, so you can carefully choose what to say next.



In relationships it’s important to show respect and appreciation for the other person’s perspective. This is true in times of harmony and during conflict. To tighten up your skills, practice validation to show (in both words and body language) that you’re genuinely listening and hearing what someone else is saying in moments when you agree…and when you don’t.



Every relationship goes through ups and downs. The best way to train for those changes is to make sure your positive interactions outweigh the negatives ones. Keep in mind the 5:1 ratio: Make sure you have 5 times more warm, kind, and thoughtful interactions for every single, less-than-nice one.



Relationships are a two-way street—that means your contribution to the dynamic is just as important as the other person’s. It’s easy to develop certain communication habits (for example, those learned from childhood) that you might not even notice. But those habits might not work well in every relationship. To “train” this area, notice what motivates you and what’s behind your communication patterns with others. And remember, once you take accountability for those things, you’ll have more power to change them.



There’s so much that goes into building strong relationships, but one thing that often gets overlooked amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life is making time for fun! In order to maintain an optimized relationship, spend quality time together. This includes sharing simple things (such as eating out or seeing a movie) and new, exciting experiences (such as going to concerts or trying out a new sport). To “train” this area, remember to learn, laugh, and savor good times together.



Thankfulness is important, so be sure to practice—and repeat—it often. Gratitude is about acknowledging and appreciating the people you’re close to and the ways they support you. In fact, when you appreciate others, they might be more likely to do the same, and vice versa. It’s also about seeing and appreciating the strengths of others and those resources you can draw on together when times are tough.



Even if you find yourself in a conflict, you still can be proactive and prevent relationship damage. Addressing recurring issues can go a long way towards having fewer problems and less stress in the long run too.

1. During an argument, stop and ask yourself what the true message is behind the other person’s words.

2. Avoid sneaky argument traps by showing empathy, staying engaged, and committing to finding a resolution.

3. Remember that timing is everything, so be strategic about when you address problems. When emotions run high, you’re more likely to say things without first thinking them through.

4. When you find things getting heated, take a break from the conversation.





To dowload the Eagle Tribe Cohesion Guide and read Additional Information on Family & Relationship Strength, click here.

For more information on the MFLC Program, click here.

For more information on Fort Campbell's Army Community Services  Family & Relationship programs, click here.

For more information on Fort Campbell's Family Advocacy Program, click here

Check out Military One Source for Free resources to support your famil & relationship strength, click here