Employee Engagement
Aimed at HR practitioners and managers Employee Engagement offers a complete, practical resource for understanding, measuring and building engagement. With a focused approach on Positive Psychology, it also offers case studies, practical tools, techniques and diagnostics to help assess and drive engagement in an organization.
Emma Bridger // Kogan Page, 2015
Build it: The Rebel Playbook for World-Class Employee Engagement
The book follows the clear and proven Engagement Bridge™ model, developed from working with thousands of leading companies worldwide on their own employee engagement journeys. The practical model highlights the areas that leaders need to examine in order to build a highly engaged company culture and provides a framework for success.
Readers will learn:
- How employee engagement helps companies perform.
- The key factors that drive engagement, and how they work together.
- What the world's most rebellious companies have done to break the rules of traditional HR and improve engagement.
- How to implement The Engagement BridgeTM model to boost productivity, innovation and better decision making.
Glenn Elliott & Debra Corey // John Wiley & Sons, 2018
50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement: A Complete Toolkit for Improving Motivation and Productivity
Engaged employees are more productive, motivated and resilient, yet gaining financial support to develop engagement is harder than ever as budgets are being squeezed and everyone is being asked to do more with less. 50 Top Tools for Employee Engagement shows that you don't need expensive interventions or additional resource to achieve employee engagement. It contains practical tools which can be used to make an immediate difference to engagement, whether you're working with individuals, teams or the organization as a whole.
Debbie Mitchell // Kogan Page, 2017