Coordinates and synchronizes day-to-day and future operations for the garrison while maintaining situational awareness across the entire installation and area of responsibility. Provides technical expertise and leadership to ensure quality, timely and accurate collection and reporting to higher, adjacent and subordinate headquarters using classified and unclassified systems. Receive, analyze, recommend and disseminate timely and appropriate resources to internal and external requests for manpower, equipment and or services. The Installation Operations Center ensures the installation maintains 24/7 capability as required for situational awareness (SA) and Common Operating Picture (COP) of critical information and events, allowing the Garrison and Senior Commander the ability to make informed and timely decisions.

Core Competencies
  • Installation tasking authority, serves as a functional integrator and synchronizer
  • Maintains a common operating picture
  • Conducts mission analysis of OPORDs and Directives from Higher Headquarters
  • Maintains the Installation Operations Center (IOC) and Emergency Operation Center (EOC)
  • Provides Mission Command for Emergency Management response and consequence management operations
  • Coordinates and publishes USAG OPORDs and Directives