- Personnel Services -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-2381 / 915-568-6619
Location: Building 505 Pershing Road
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. / Thursday 1-4 p.m.
Records: Military Personnel file custodian for all non-Personnel Services Delivery Redesign units. Provide update assistance for Officer Records Brief’s and Enlisted Records Brief’s as well as casualty documents.
Promotions: For all non-PSDR units. Processing the promotion packets and board results for the semi-centralized promotions to SGT and SSG. Assist units in identifying and preparing their Soldiers and Officers for centralized promotion board consideration.
Personnel Actions: For all non-PSDR units. Process requests for compassionate reassignment, statement of service, applications for Green to Gold, Soldier’s citizenship applications, name changes, Army Married Couples Program, etc.
In/Out Processing
Contact Numbers: 915-568-2482 / 2728 / 7714 or 915-569-7348 / 7369
Location: Building 505, Room 154
In Processing Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Clearing Paper Issuing Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Conduct In Processing (Arrival Transactions and Service Members Life Insurance/DD93 updates) for all service members be assigned to NON-PSDR units at Fort Bliss. Check with Welcome Center front desk staff to determine if customers will need to process through the In/Out Processing office. Issue PCS clearing papers for Fort Bliss.
Requirements: Service members on assignment need to PRE CLEAR with the this office by sending an email to: usarmy.bliss.imcom-central.mbx.fb-inproc@mail.mil . Please provide the following information: rank, (full) last name/first name/ and middle name, Last four SSN, current unit, PCS leave dates, report date, gaining installation, home/cell/ and duty phone number, AKO email address.
Please refer to Online Levy slides or face-to-face levy handout for complete list of required documents.
- DEERS / ID Cards -
Contact Number: 915-569-6036
Location: Building 505, Pershing Road
******Special Announcement******
The DEERS and ID Cards Office, located at the Soldier Support Center in Building 505 on Pershing Road, will extend their hours. We are offering services on Saturday, March 9, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. These services are open for everyone, Soldiers, dependents, retirees, contractors, etc., and will be done by appointments. Walk-ins are welcomed, but those with appointments are the priority.
Appointments must be made through the website at https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/. Unfortunately, we are unable to schedule the appointments in the office. Please go to this site to schedule appointments for March 9.
Our regular hours are still in effect, which are Monday - Wednesday and Friday, 6:45 a.m. – 3 p.m.; and Thursday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
For any questions or concerns, please contact us at (915) 569-4429 or 568-2381.
Mission: To determine the eligibility and issue identification cards and maintain/update information in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System database. Provide professional, quality customer service to all Soldiers, family members, retirees, civilian and contract employees.
Requirements: To make an appointment, click the link below:
Information you can use: 2021 DEERS/ID Card Office Information at a Glance: Appointments, Online Services, TRICARE/Important Phone Numbers/Websites, Sponsor Responsibilities, Spouse, Child, Child Born Out of Wedlock/Divorced Parents, Stepchild, Pre-Adoptive Child, DAV, Foreign Documents, Renewal of Military Identification, TRICARE Young Adult, and School-Aged Children (21-23 Years Old) / 2021 DEERS/ID Card Office: Walk-In Services Update, Appointments, Agent Letter, Verify and Update DEERS
- Guide for Dropping Soldiers from Roles -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-2381 / 6619
Location: 500B Shannon Road. Room 106/106A
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8a.m. - 5 p.m. / Thursday 1 - 5 p.m.
- Casualty Assistance Center Chief -
Contact Number: 915-568-3837
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Provides casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to Soldiers and their families in the Fort Bliss area as well as those in New Mexico.
- Casualty Operations Coordinator -
Contact Number: 915-568-3093
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Provides casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to Soldiers and their families in the Fort Bliss area as well as those in New Mexico.
- Mortuary Affairs Coordinator -
Contact Number: 915-568-1740
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Provides casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to Soldiers and their families in the Fort Bliss area as well as those in New Mexico. Responsible for the briefing of all mortuary benefits for active duty deaths and care of remains.
- Military Honors -
Contact Number: 915-568-6338
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Provides casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to Soldiers and their families in the Fort Bliss area as well as those in New Mexico. Provides Military Funeral Honors for all present and former military personnel.
Requirements: ACTIVE DUTY/RETIREES: Full Military Funeral Honors, consisting of a nine–member team (six pallbearers and/or firing party, a chaplain, and officer and/or NCO-in-charge, and a live bugler (if available), otherwise, the team will play “Taps” using an electronic recording. A chaplain is authorized (if available).
VETERANS: All veterans are entitled to a service detail consisting of at least two uniformed military members, at least one of whom will be from the parent service of the veteran.
Denial of Military Funeral Honors: Shall not be provided to individuals who have at any time been discharged or released from military service with any of the following (as per DODI 1300.15 para E2.1.9):
(1) A Dishonorable Discharge.
(2) A Bad Conduct Discharge.
(3) A dismissal from the Service awarded by court–martial.
(4) An Under other than Honorable Conditions Discharge.
(5) An Officer Resignation in lieu of court–martial, which results in a discharge characterization of Under other than Honorable Conditions.
ACTIVE DUTY: Please call the office for information regarding Planeside Honors and Unit Memorial. Please call the office for additional information on required documentation/procedures/process to request honors.
- Line of Duty -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-3517
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Briefings to Investigating Officers: Call for appointment
- Casualty Trainer -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-9534
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Provides casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to Soldiers and their families in the Fort Bliss area as well as those in New Mexico. Provides Certified Casualty Notification Officer/Casualty Assistance Officer Training to Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard; conducts training during commander/first sergeant course.
Requirements: Service members are required to be in the rank of SFC and above; CW2 and above; CPT and above with six or more years in service. Contact the casualty trainer two weeks prior to class date. Training will be the last week of each month for three days, excluding November and December. Division Schools has a copy of the training schedule.
- Benefits Coordinator -
Contact Number: 915-568-2903
Location: Building 1
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Provides casualty, mortuary, survivor outreach services, memorial honors, and offer support, guidance and services to Soldiers and their families in the Fort Bliss area as well as those in New Mexico. Counsel Survivors and Soldiers on benefits provided by law, and coordinate with outside organizations (American Red Cross, Army Emergency Relief, etc) for assistance as needed.
Requirements: You need the following to process applications for benefits: death certificate, account information, and social security card.
Death of a family member must meet the following criteria to be eligible: must be 20 weeks of gestation, over 350 grams in weight up to the age of 18 or if enrolled in fulltime college up to the age of 23.
- Fort Bliss Reassignments Temporary Change of Station Orders -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-6515 / 1405
Location: Building 1, Room 211
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: The Fort Bliss Reassignment Temporary Change of Station Section provides support to all active duty units/Soldiers for all TCS order requests submitted thru Department of the Army Mobilization Processing System-Overseas Contingency Operations Temporary Change of Station.
• TCS orders requests are submitted by respective unit TCS orders representatives according to Worldwide Individual Augmentation System tasking.
• TCS orders are processed no earlier than 60 days prior to deployment date.
• Once TCS orders are processed, unit representatives can print out individual orders.
- Family Travel Section -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-7163 / 9885
Location: Building 1, Room 212
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: Process family travel requests to gaining installations for family members of Soldiers on overseas assignments.
Requirements: Service members who are on assignment to an overseas location desiring to have their family members accompany them, must ensure that the family members complete an overseas screening by an Exceptional Family Member clinic and complete the necessary forms required by that location to request command sponsorship of their family members no earlier than six months prior, and no later than 30 days prior to their report date.
- Passport/Visa Office -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-1405 / 915-569-7326 / 915-568-3325
Location: Building 1, Room 211
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Passport/Visa pick up days and times are Monday - Friday 1 - 4:00 p.m. only.
Mission: Accept and process passport and visa applications for all service members and DoD employees assigned to Fort Bliss. Provide service to customers who may have questions or concerns about the passport and visa process. Provide pick up service hours for passports and visas during hours of operation. Keep up-to-date data in our database for tracking purposes.
Requirements: Applicants may go into the link below for the following concerns:
• If the location being visited requires a passports or visa.
• Instructions and checklist for processing the passport application.
• Contact the Passport/Visa office for instructions on completing the visa application.
You can visit the Passport Office here:
- Reassignments -
Contact Numbers: 915-568-5600 / 4242
Location: Building 1, Room 205
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mission: The Fort Bliss Reassignment Section provides active duty personnel, DOD civilians and family members the following support services: Process Permanent Change of Station orders, Temporary Change of Station orders, Family Travel requests, Official/No Fee passport applications, various personnel action requests to Human Resources Command.
Goal: Provide the best service available to our customers to minimize stress on Soldiers and family members in times of persistent change.
CONUS Reassignments Levy Briefing
• To complete the Continental United States Reassignments Levy Briefing, visit the following link:
Online Briefing
• Select “View Levy Brief” and "View PowerPoint Presentation."
• To print Levy Briefing Certificate, complete Levy Certificate with appropriate information before printing.
• To complete required documents select “Documents” and fill out forms.
• Once forms are completed, submit documents to your respective unit S-1.
OCONUS Reassignments Levy Briefing
• All Outside Continental United States levy briefings are conducted on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
• OCONUS levy briefings are scheduled approximately six months prior to report date.
Checking Status of Permanent Change of Station Orders
• To check status of PCS orders you must log into BLISSAPPS from a Fort Bliss domain computer.
• Type "https://blisc2mse0001a.nasw.ds.army.mil/PCS/login.aspx" in address bar of Internet Explorer or click the link.
• Select “PCS order status.”
• Select “I Accept” on consent page.
• Select “LOGIN” on warning page.
• To access information about Soldiers' PCS orders status, enter Soldier’s Last Name, last four of social security number and the year of birth. Then select “Submit.”
• PCS orders status will provide levy briefing status and required documents needed to produce PCS orders.
- Separations -
Contact numbers: 915-568-7679
Location: Building 503 Room 215
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Briefings: Pre-separation brief, every Friday at 8 a.m. Soldiers must be in duty uniform.
- Soldiers must attend pre-separation briefing NLT 180 days prior to separation date.
- Provide required documentation to publish orders and prepare DD Form 214
- Orders will be published NLT 180 days prior to separation
- Soldier must clear the installation and meet final out appointment in order to be deleted from the unit strength report.
Required documents needed for Separation Orders / DD Form 214
- Current STP
- DD Form 4 (Initial Enlistment Contract - pages 4/1, 4/2, and 4/3 - Enlisted only)
- DD Form 4 (All Reenlistment Contracts - page 4/1 - Enlisted only)
- DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data - Update last 6 months)
- SGLV (Service members’ Group Life Insurance) (Updated last 6 months)
- DA Form 71 (Oath of Office – Officers only) Active Duty Order (Officers only)
- Absentee Request from IPPSA if SM is taking leave.
- Prior Service Documents (Any Service/Component):
- DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
- DD 215 (Correction to DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
- DD Form 220 (Report of Active Duty)
- DD Form 249/RPAS (Retirement Points Accounting System) (USAR)
- NGB 22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service) (ARNG)
- NGB 23 (National Guard Retirement Point History)
- USAR (Retirement Point History)
- Voluntary Refrad memo signed by the Officer
- Endorsement memo signed by the O-6
- Sexual Assault Memorandum
- Reserve Component Memo
- ADSO/NON-ADSO memo (from the education center)
- ** Please include assumption of command orders** (if applicable)
- Letter of Lateness exception to policy 6-Month Rule with O-6 signature (if applicable)
- Chapters -
Contact number: 915-568-7679 or 915-568-6312 Location: Building 503, Room 215
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Soldiers must be in duty uniform.
Escort must accompany Soldier (Misconduct/Drug or Alcohol)
AR 635-200
CHAP 15 CHAP 16-2
All chapter packets must be submitted through IPPSA. Upon receipt of approved chapter packet with supporting documentation (O6 signature or higher):
orders are published, clearance documents provided; escort must accompany Soldier. Separation with 72 hours after orders are published (Per Commanding General directive).
- Retirements -
Contact number: 915-568-7679 or 915-568-6312 Location: Building 503, Room 215
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Soldiers must be in duty uniform.
Enlisted Retirements (Chapter 12, AR 635-200)
- PAR done in IPPSA sent to UDL
- PAR done in IPPSA (processed through the chain of command with O6 approval in the PAR)
- DA 2339 (with all signatures)
- Sexual Assault Memorandum
- 1st page of all enlistments
Officer Retirements (Chapter 6, AR 600-8-24)
- PAR done in IPPSA sent to UDL
- Voluntary retirement memo signed by the Officer
- Endorsement memo signed by the O-6
- Sexual Assault Memorandum
- 7301 – service computation
- ADSO/NON-ADSO memo (from the Education Center)
- ** Please include assumption of command orders** (if applicable)
- Letter of Lateness exception to policy 6-Month Rule with O-6 signature (if applicable)
Medical Retirements (AR 635-40)
- Enlisted
- DD Form 4 (Initial Enlistment Contract - pages 4/1, 4/2, and 4/3 - Enlisted only)
- DD Form 4 (All Reenlistment Contracts - page 4/1 - Enlisted only)
- Officer
- DA 71 Oath of Office
- Active Duty Order
- Absentee request
- DD Form 93 (Record of Emergency Data) (Update last 6 months)
- SGLV (Service members’ Group Life Insurance) (Updated last 6 months)
- ** Please include assumption of command orders** (if applicable)
- Prior Service Documents (Any Service/Component):
- DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
- DD 215 (Correction to DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
- DD Form 220 (Report of Active Duty)
- DD Form 249/RPAS (Retirement Points Accounting System) (USAR)
- DA 5016 Statement of Service
- NGB 22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service) (ARNG)
- NGB 23 (National Guard Retirement Point History)
- Approval by the Physical Disability Agency (TRANSRPOC – Physical Disability Information Report)
- Election Memorandum for date of separation
- DA Form 5892 (PEBLO Estimated Disability Compensation Worksheet) (Medical
- Retirement/Separation only)
- Medical Counseling Statement (Medical Retirement/Separation only)
- C-10 Roster (Medical Retirement/Separation only – if promotable) (Enlisted only)