5-4-21, DHR-JMFGI, Operations, AG (Slide Show 1).JPG5-4-21, DHR-JMFGI, Update Your DD93 (Video).JPG

5-3-21, DHR-JMFGI Key to MOB-DeMob Success.JPGDHR, JMFGI, Briefing.jpg

Mission Statement

The Joint Mobilization Force Generation Installation Operations cell executes oversight of operations and administrative compliance with mobilizing and demobilizing units. This cell synchronizes the S1, Transitions, and CRC staff in accordance with the known operational requirements and the priorities as established by the Fort Bliss Garrison Command, the Director of Human Resources, and the Installation Adjutant General. Additionally, JMFGI Operations staff is responsible for the functional aspects of the command and control systems to receive and validate the MOB/DEMOB Units and serve as the single point of contact for administrative regulations and compliance.


DD93 and SGLV requirement…

1. Your unit will need to ensure you schedule a date to update all DD93/SGLVs prior to arriving to Fort Bliss. Please see attached memos that we will validate.

2. IAW AR 600-8-101, the date on the DD93s and SGLVs must reflect 60 days prior to arriving to the MOBSTAT.  The commander’s memos should reflect the date IAW the AR 600-8-101 any other date greater than 60 days prior to arriving to the MOBSTAT will be noncompliance.

3. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other concerns.

4. Read the DA PAM 600–8–101, March 6, 2018, and IAW AR 600-8-101, March 6, 2018, para 4-1e paragraphs to clarify any misunderstanding.

5. We do not update the DD93 or SGLV here at Fort Bliss. We only validate that you are within the 60 days compliance IAW AR 600-8-101.

IAW AR 600-8-101, para 4-1e

Chapter 4 Soldier Readiness Program and Mobilization Processing

4–1. Soldier Readiness Program requirements a. Maintaining individual readiness for deployment is the basic concept of the SRP; therefore, Regular Army Soldiers, ARNG Soldiers in units, and Army Reserve Soldiers in troop program units will undergo an annual SRP event as specified in this chapter. SRP will be performed annually on RC Soldiers who are not in units or whenever they serve on active duty if their active duty service is less often than once per year.

4-1 e. Unit commanders are responsible for ensuring SRP occurs at the unit level continually and ensure DA Form 7425 is completed prior to conducting of final SRP and verified by installation not earlier than LAD–60.

IAW AR 600-8-101, para 4-1d

4-1 d. The SRP requires commanders to maximize Soldier readiness by identifying and correcting non-deployable conditions. Personnel processing requirements include checking the status of individual Soldier readiness during in-processing, at least once annually, during out-processing, and within 60 days of an actual deployment date. Designated DEF and CEF units will complete SRP as stated above: (1) DEF and CEF units, conduct initial SRP no later than LAD - 180/AFPD - 180 or CTE - 30; (2) DEF units, conduct final SRP NET LAD - 60; and (3) For CEF units, final SRP will be conducted only if the unit is alerted for deployment with a LAD, which changes their status to a DEF unit; final SRP will be conducted NET LAD - 60 (final SRP will be conducted immediately if LAD is within 60 days). The final SRP will be conducted by the unit and verified by the installation Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security. The annual SRP may be omitted for DEF or CEF units. Units or BCTs may conduct additional SRPs using internal resources in order to identify and fix possible non-deployable conditions prior to initial or final SRP.

IAW DA PAM 600–8–101 • March 6, 2018

Soldier Readiness Program Level 1 state of readiness. The administrative readiness requirements for deployment that should be met and maintained at all times. Soldier Readiness Program Level 2 state of readiness applies only to Soldiers who have been alerted for movement as individuals to a deployment station or a TCS station and to unit deployments when the home station is not the deployment station in support of a contingency (for example, a TCS move). Level 2 requirements include all of those in Level 1 plus some items that cannot be met until after the Soldier has been alerted for a specific deployment and must be accomplished before departure from the home station (that is, these items cannot be done at a deployment or TCS station).

Section 4-7 (d) Explains SPR Level I in detail (DD 93/ SGLV)

4–7. Personnel information station

d. PINS personnel audit the following forms with each Soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and personnel documents: (1) The ERB for Regular Army enlisted Soldiers. (2) DA Form 4037 for Regular Army commissioned and warrant officers. (3) DA Form 2–1 (Personnel Qualification Record) for all RC Soldiers. (4) DD Form 93. (5) DA Form 3355 (Promotion Point Worksheet (United States Army Reserve)). (6) VA Form SGLV 8286. (7) VA Form SGLV 8286A. e. PINS personnel audit the following data items with the Soldier for accuracy and consistency between the Army field personnel information system file and the personnel documents.