Dubbed the Total Army Sponsorship Program, or TASP, it is accessed on the ACT website and replaces EASI-GATE as the program for processing sponsorship requests, which has been used to process Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders to Europe.
Soldiers PCSing to the U.S. Army Garrison Benelux will need to use Army Career Tracker’s Total Army Sponsorship Program to request a sponsor and initiate the DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet).
The process of requesting a sponsor with a DA Form 5434 is mandatory for all Soldiers in the paygrades of E1-E6, WO1-WO2, and O1-O3. All Soldiers within the paygrades of E7-E9, WO3-WO5, and O4-O6 have the option participate, unless a senior commander determines that sponsorship is required within their area of responsibility, HQDA EXORD 161-15 Army-Wide Implementation of the TASP ACT module for active component.
TASP aims to help Soldiers better integrate into the Army and to assist them when they transition to different units. It ensures incoming Soldiers are assigned sponsors prior to reporting to their next duty station. Obtaining a sponsor reduces the stress of reporting to a new unit, enhancing resiliency and improving readiness among Soldiers and family members.
Soldiers will be notified by Human Resources Command, the HRC, about their assignment instructions and PCS orders to USAG Benelux. They will receive their Sponsor Notification and Welcome letter, as well as notification to complete DA Form 5434, Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Here’s how to request a sponsor using TASP once you have received notification from HRC concerning your assignment instructions:
Log on to Army Career Tracker (ACT) ✪
Complete DA Form 5434. In the left column, click the Messages dropdown menu and click DA Form 5434.
Click Create New Form.
Fill out all applicable sections (Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5).
Once complete, your sponsor will be notified.
You will receive notification in the Messages section if your sponsor changes in ACT.