WSMR Safety Office kicks off 101 Critical Days of Summer Safety for June

June is National Safety Month, and the arrival of summer brings an increase in outdoor activities such as swimming, parades, fireworks, and barbeques. From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the Army’s 101 Critical Days of Summer Safety campaign reminds us to focus on safety when participating in all types of summer activities in and outside the home.

“The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day has always been a season of workplace and off-duty fatalities and injuries for the Army. Ensure that you, your family, and those you supervise put safety at the forefront of their priorities,” said Seth Dyer, WSMR Chief of Safety.

This annual initiative aims to raise awareness and promote responsible behaviors to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for all Army personnel and their families. With a focus on various crucial safety topics, in the coming weeks topics from traffic safety to home and outdoor recreation precautions will be shared with the White Sands Missile Range community.


Here are WSMR’s 101 Critical Days of Summer Safety topics that will be covered in the coming weeks:

-        Speeding and traffic safety

-        Child safety

-        Playground safety

-        Home safety

-        BBQ safety

-        Travel and recreational safety

-        El Nino weather events


For more information call (575) 678-3221.