Mission Statement: To provide the Fort Leonard Wood community with the full spectrum of military human resources and personnel support.
Important things to remember:
Always wear duty uniform when in-processing.
You must have you PCS orders and Absence Request Form when in-processing.
You will need your new home address or an address to your temporary residence as well as beneficiary's contact information if a new beneficiary is being assigned.
Appointments for post clearing papers are made through your unit S1. If no local S1, call 573-596-2201.
If reporting on a non duty day or after hours report to the IOC located in Hodge Hall, Bldg 3200 MSCOE Loop, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO or gaining unit staff duty.
FAQs — In Processing
When does the in-processing brief begin?
Soldiers should arrive between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. The brief will begin approximately at 8 a.m. and last for approximately 45 minutes. NOTE: The brief will NEVER be held on a federal holiday, but is conducted on training holidays.
What should I do in the case of inclement weather?
For inclement weather updates, call (573) 563-4141. In-processing will begin after any issued delay (2, 4 or 6 hours after regular 7 a.m. business hours.)
What if I'm assigned to a TRADOC, FORSCOM, MEDDAC or DENTAC unit?
Those belonging to one of the previously listed units are still required to in-process in Room 2105 prior to going to their unit.
When do I update my Record of Emergency Data — DD93 and Service members' Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate (SGLI)?
The DD93 will be updated during in-processing.
How long do I have to return my in-processing checklist?
An in-processing checklist will be provided after the brief and the Soldier will have five business days to complete and return to Room 2105.
When do I report to my unit?
You will report to your unit after the in-processing checklist is completed and returned to Building 470, Room 2105.
FAQs — Out Processing
What do I do when I receive my orders?
Orders are produced within 10 days of the Reassignments Team receiving your completed reassignments packet. Upon receipt of your orders have your S-1 contact the In and Out-Processing Office to make an appointment for post clearing. Ensure orders and absence request form is included with the appointment request.
Your S-1 will need your leave dates and order information.
When should my S-1 make an appointment for my post clearing papers?
Appointments can be made as early as 60 days prior to the leave start date. Soldiers are authorized up to 10 business days to clear.
What do I need to bring to my clearing appointment?
Update within the last 30 days, DD Form 93 (Emergency Notification) and SGLI printout from milConnect (verifying coverage).
How do I finalize my departure from Fort Leonard Wood?
A final out appointment will be made when obtaining your clearing paperwork.
What do I need to bring with me to my final out appointment?
To clear you must have the following documents:
- DA Form 137-1 Unit Clearance Record
- DA Form 137-2 Post Clearance Record
- Perstempo
- Orders and all amendments
- Absence Request Form(s)
- DD Form 93 (Emergency Notification) and SGLI printoutfrom milConnect (verifying coverage) both dated within 30 days of final-out appointment.
- DA 5434 and Act Out-Processing Survey (for E6 and below, CPT and below, and CW2 and below)