Our mission: The Installation Transportation Office (ITO) operates the Transportation Motor Pool (TMP), Freight Operations, Unit Movement Operations, Personal Property, Passenger Travel Office, and Quality Control.

Installation Transportation Officer (ITO) Mon-Fri:0700-1600 (573) 596.0636Trans8.jpg

Responsible for all transportation functions relating to the shipment of things (SOT) by highway, air, rail , vessel, deployments/redeployments, personnel movements, (to include 10 or more passengers), shipping of personal property, rail operation services, troop lift movement of FLW personnel to and from training sites, as well as shuttle bus service for personnel for official business, such as travel between barracks, the Consolidated Troop Medical Clinic/hospital and places of duty, as well as movement to meet official business appointments.

Located in building 380.

Personal Property & Passenger Travel Branch (ASCW-LLW-TRP): (573) 596-0077/6977

Hours of Operation:

Property: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 0900 - 1500
Wed 1000 – 1500
Passenger: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 0800 - 1130 & 1230 - 1530
Wed: 1230 - 1530

•Our mission is to provide quality personnel service functions by assisting DoD service members (to include small or large groups), Civilians and Family Members in arranging, coordinating and obtaining the official travel documents necessary to facilitate official government travel.

•Deliver professional, knowledgeable and timely service to each and all customers.

•Coordinates with unit/organizational personnel to provide technical assistance and guidance in the area of passenger movements and travel.

•Coordinates the movement of individuals and groups (10 or more)who are conducting official travel by means of commercial and military conveyance utilizing all modes of travel.

•Provides POV storage for deploying service members, when authorized.

•Provides Official Passport and Visa services.

•Counsels customers on entitlements, procedures for pick up, delivery, and storage of property/household goods.

•Provide Quality Control (QC) personnel as inspectors who randomly inspect inbound and outbound shipments and respond to issues that may come up during the customers move.

•Encourages personnel to utilize the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) to arrange their moves (if this is not their first move or if they are not retiring) but are available to assist on a first come-first serve basis.

•All are located in building 470 on the first floor.

Freight and Unit Movement Section (ASCW-LLW-TRF): (573) 596-1289/0170

Freight Branch (ASCW-LLW-TRF): (573) 596-1289/0170/0152/1439/0969
Mon-Fri 0700-1600

•Responsible for scheduling the movement of cargo through line haul, rail, air, and vessel modes.

•Coordinate shipments using accurately completed DD Form 1149 Web Form and digitally signed FVUA (or other approved funding documentation).

•Arranges outbound freight shipments, to include deployment cargo, and delivery of small packages.

•Assists customers with cost estimates for shipments.

•Ensures all shipments are made after all required documentation has been submitted.

We appreciate your feedback, let us know how we are doing.

Unit Movement Branch: (ASCW-LLW-TRU): (573) 596-1698/0170/0969
Mon-Fri 0700-1600

•Provide technical guidance and/or assistance to units in preparing, maintaining, and executing movement plans, UMD, and other transportation related documentation for the deployment planning and execution processes.

•Collect, analyze, edit, submit to FORSCOM, and maintain deployment movement data for all supported Active Army units residing on the installation and RC units supported by the installation in accordance with AR 525–93.

•Located in building 2391.

We appreciate your feedback, let us know how we are doing

Transportation Motor Pool (TMP) Branch (ASCW-LLW-TRT): (573) 596-4534

NTV Vehicle Dispatch: (573) 596-0816/7522
Mon-Fri: 0530-1800

Responsible for daily and monthly dispatches of Non-Tactical Vehicles (NTV), as well as coordinating lifecycle NTV vehicle replacement, Short Term Leases, and ordering official government license plates for Army owned vehicles.

Troop Lift: (573) 596-0814
Mon-Sat: 0530-2230

Transports personnel to and from locations for official purposes only, with priority given to training units assigned to Fort Leonard Wood (All requests for movement must be received no later than the Wednesday of the week prior to movement).

Driver Train/Testing Branch (ASCW-LLW-TRD): (573) 596-5315 Mon-Fri: 0630-1500

Provides services for personnel requiring licenses on equipment serviced by the TMP, as well as providing bus driver training for personnel wishing to operate buses within the confines of the installation.

Installation Fuel Point: (573) 596-0816 24hr OPS

Fuel pumps are located at the TMP providing E-85, Diesel, and Unleaded gasoline to authorized units with assigned fuel keys. (573) 596-0816

Rail Ops Branch (ASCW-LLW-TRR):

Responsible for moving inbound/outbound railcars to and from the installation, to include inspecting railcars for serviceability.

We appreciate your feedback, let us know how we are doing.