The below training requirements should be completed, if possible, before arrival at U.S. Army Garrison Poland. Check with your supervisor for further information or requirements.
Cyber Awareness - DoD Cyber Awareness Training and Acceptable Use Policy
Learning Management System (LMS) (LMS)
- Army OPSEC Level I
- U.S. Army Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP)
- Information Security Program Training (INFOSEC)
- Level I Antiterrorism Awareness Training (Course Number: US007)
- Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Training (Course Number: US1329)
- U.S. Forces Driver's Training Program for Europe with Exam (Course Number: 007 and 007-B)
Army Training Requirements and Resource System (ATRRS)
- EEO, Anti-Harassment and No Fear Training (Course Number EEO-203, Supervisory or Non-Supervisory)
- Leaders Safety and Occupational Health Course (Course Number 2G-F107_DL; required is supervising DA civilians)
- Supervisory Development Couse (required only for supervisors with ATAAPS permission)