Buffalo Soldiers


View the Buffalo Soldier Commemorative Area page.

In 1866, the U.S. Congress authorized the formation of several black regiments. One of these, the 10th Cavalry Regiment, was formed at Fort Leavenworth under the command of Col. Benjamin H. Grierson.






Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery

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Located at 395 Biddle Boulevard and is open to visitors every day of the year from dawn until dusk.

The Cemetery is one of the first 12 national cemeteries established by President Abraham Lincoln on July 17, 1862. Veterans since the War of 1812 have been laid to rest in the cemetery. One veteran of the War of 1812 is the cemetery’s most famous occupant, Col. Henry Leavenworth, who gave his name to the fort, the city, the county and the cemetery.

View more information at the VA Ft. Leavenworth National Cemetery web page.




Frontier Army Museum


The Frontier Army Museum collects and preserves artifacts that tell the story of the Frontier Army from 1804 to 1916, and Fort Leavenworth from 1827 to the present through the use of its collection of historical artifacts.

Located at 100 Reynolds Avenue. Call (913) 684-3186 / 3191 for information.
Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Closed Sundays, Mondays, and all federal holidays.

View the Frontier Army Museum page.

View the Events page on the Friends of the Frontier Army Museum (FFAM) website.



Berlin Wall Monument

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Pieces of the barrier that separated West and East Berlin during the Cold War and a tribute to past units.

Located near Smith Lake behind the Lewis & Clark Center.