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Lieutenant Colonel Derek Benz is a native of Kansas and is a graduate of Rockhurst University and the University of Missouri – Kansas City. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 2002 and was later accepted in the Reserve Officer Training Corps, where he earned a postgraduate degree. Lieutenant Colonel Benz was commissioned as an Engineer officer in 2006.

Over the past 22 years of service, Lieutenant Colonel Benz has completed combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and held several leadership and staff positions from a Platoon Leader, to the Headquarters of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and, most recently, the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy. His most noteworthy achievement is being a husband to his wife and a father to their two extraordinary children.

Lieutenant Colonel Benz holds a master’s degree in political science and a bachelor’s degree in theology, philosophy, and political science. He is also a credentialed Project Management Professional. Lieutenant Colonel Benz credits his numerous military awards to the outstanding Soldiers and Non-Commissioned Officers with whom he has served.

Lieutenant Colonel Benz cites his proudest achievement as watching his children succeed. His son is a musician, martial artist, illustrator, and Lego engineer. His daughter is a fencing and martial arts competitor with a love of mathematics and is an aspiring veterinarian. Lieutenant Colonel Benz and his wife married and started their shared Army adventure in 2006.


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CSM Dustin S. French is a native of Brush, Colorado and enlisted in the Army in 2003 as a 12B, Combat Engineer. He attended Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.  

 CSM French has served as a Track Vehicle Driver, Bradley Gunner, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Small Group Instructor, Platoon Sergeant, Operations Sergeant, S2 NCOIC, Chief Bridge NCO, First Sergeant, BN Operations SGM, and BDE Operations SGM. His assignments include Cco 20th EN BN (1BCT/1CD), Eco 2-5 CAV (1BCT/1CD) Ft. Hood, TX; 7th ANCOA Grafenwoehr, Germany; 576 EN CO 4th EN BN, 569 MAC 4th EN BN Ft Carson, Colorado; HHC 130th EN BDE Schofield Barracks, HI; I&S Co, USAPAC Ft. Shafter, HI; 16th EN BN (1ABCT/1AD), 1ABCT (1AD) Ft. Bliss, TX. He has deployed to three times to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, once to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and once Kosovo for combat and peacekeeping operations. 

CSM French’s awards and decorations include Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (5 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (4 OLC), Army Good Conduct Medal (7th Award), National Defense Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Kosovo Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expedition Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Noncommission Officer Primary Development (Numeral 4), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon (Numeral 6), and NATO Medal (Numeral 2), Bronze De Fleury medal, Track Vehicle Badge, Combat Action Badge, German Proficiency Badge

CSM French’s military education includes Basic Leaders Course, Basic Instructors Course, Small Group Instructor Course, Combative level 1 & 2, Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, Master Fitness Trainer Course, Air Assault Course, Battle Staff, and graduate of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. His civilian education includes a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Purdue Global University and a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Work Force Development from the Command and General Staff College.