The Fort Knox Public Affairs Office (PAO) executes the command information, community relations and media relations missions as part of keeping internal and external audiences informed of Fort Knox missions, roles and activities. A variety of communications mediums are employed to fulfill this responsibility, to include the installation website, online newspaper, media engagements, community outreach and social media platforms.

Media Relations

The Media Relations Office (MRO) assists members of the news media on matters pertaining to Fort Knox, helping to ensure the American public has the information needed to understand the installation’s missions, roles and activities. The MRO also works with the entertainment (e.g., film, television, video) and publishing (e.g., books, magazines) industries as well.

All news media representatives who wish to enter Fort Knox on official business and/or to cover events on Fort Knox must first coordinate with and request permission through the Public Affairs Office at (502) 624-3051. News media also must be escorted by a member of the Public Affairs Office. Otherwise, news media representatives will be refused entry to Fort Knox. Members of the news media who have a personal affiliation with the military (e.g., family member of a service member) must follow the aforementioned procedures when on official business and/or wishing to cover events on Fort Knox. Due to the limited number of public affairs staff to provide escort, media are asked to make their requests as far in advance as possible.

Contact Information
Telephone: (502) 624-3051
DSN: 464-3051

Community Relations

The Community Relations Office (CRO) works with the local communities, assisting in strengthening the partnership between citizens of Fort Knox and the local community.

The CRO helps arrange visits for organized groups that want to come to the installation. Requests for speakers, Soldier participation in community events and displays of military equipment are coordinated through the CRO.
Contact Information
Telephone: (502) 624-0150
DSN: 464-0150


Fort Knox News

Fort Knox News at is the official news source for Fort Knox, Kentucky. The site is updated and maintained regularly by members of the Fort Knox Public Affairs Office and provided freely to everyone. Each section contains pertinent news and information for service members, Department of Defense civilian employees and contractors working on Fort Knox, as well as for military Family members, retirees, veterans and the greater Fort Knox community.

Contents on this site are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or Fort Knox. Information is delivered under guidelines found in AR 360-1.

All items submitted to Fort Knox News are subject to editing and final approval by the editor and Fort Knox public affairs officer before being posted. To submit items for consideration, recommend story ideas or request corrections, contact the Fort Knox News staff using the contact information below.

Click here to view Fort Knox News.

Contact Information
Fort Knox News Staff
        Telephone: (502) 624-1095 or (502) 624-1097
        DSN: 464-1095 or 464-1097
Fort Knox Command Information
        Telephone: (502) 624-3051