Welcome to the Department of Veterans Affairs

The Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program (BDD) site for Fort Knox, KY

How Can Benefits Delivery at Discharge (Pre-Discharge) Help Me?

The Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program is offered to accelerate receipt of VA disability benefits, with a goal of providing benefits within 2 days after release or discharge from active duty. The Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program (BDD) allows a service member with at least 90 days, but not more than 180 days, remaining on active duty to file a VA disability claim before separation. BDD Program requires a minimum of 90 days to allow sufficient time to complete the medical examination process (which may involve multiple specialty clinics) before separation from service.

How Do I Get Started?

You must first have a known discharge date. Come to our office in building 1379 (26 Pershing Drive Fort Knox) or give us a call at 502-287-8058/4915/8065. There are several documents you will be required to submit at the time of your claim. Please look at the attached checklist for a list of these documents.

The following forms will be completed as part of the claims workshop and are being made available for your convenience:

What Else Should I Know?

The BDD Program is a time-sensitive process. To receive your VA disability benefits within the goal of 2 days following separation, you must submit your claim 90 to 180 days before your release or retirement from active duty. This time is needed to complete your medical examinations before you leave your point of separation and to adjudicate your claim. If you are between 89 and 1 days to separation from service, you can submit a claim however it will not have priority processing and will be process after separation from active duty.

Contact Information

Telephone: (502) 287-5459

Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)

Available Benefits:

Chapter 31 (VR&E) VS Chapter 33 (GI BILL) Counseling

Educational and Career Couseling

Pay for required training to qualify for suitable employment if found eligible and entitled


8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Graham Hall Annex-Building 1379, 26 Pershing Drive or 502-278-5493.

Apply online at: https://ww.va.gov


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