The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is the Army's program designed with the mission of education to prevent spouse and child abuse, to encourage the reporting of all instances of abuse, and to treat all family members affected by or involved in abuse so that those families can be restored to a healthy state. FAP is a command-directed program under the authority of AR 608-18.

The FAP works with individuals and families to strengthen family relationships using education and prevention tactics. The program is dedicated to enhancing individual coping skills and alleviating the underlying causes of stress associated with family violence. FAP provides prevention education service to restore and maintain a healthy environment, while respecting customer confidentiality. Although FAP coordinates the legal, law enforcement, social services and medical aspects of family violence on each installation, program responsibilities are primarily divided at the installation between Army Community Service (ACS) and Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) staff.

Prevention/Education Workshops/Classes:

FAP provides a wide range of classes designed to enhance interpersonal skills and prevent family violence. Life Skills classes are designed to help attendees develop skills that will benefit them in their daily lives and to prevent instances of family violence. All classes are free. Attendees may self-enroll or be referred to classes by the chain of command or health professional. These are offered on a regular basis and classes can be tailored for a specific topic or audience. General categories of classes include:

  • Command FAP Education
  • Annual FAP Troop Training to all units and soldiers at Camp Zama
  • Professional Staff FAP Training for agencies working with children.
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Child and Teen Safety
  • Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention
  • Couples Communication
  • Stress Reduction
  • Parenting Classes
  • Anger Management
  • Blended Families
  • Single Parenting
  • Parenting of Teens
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Teen Dating Violence: The Hidden Hurt
  • Marriage Enrichment: What's Love Got to Do With It?

Deployment & Separation Domestic Violence Intervention:

  • Post deployment Homecoming Reunion Workshops
  • When Someone You Know is Hurting: Child Abuse in our Military Community
  • When Someone You Know is Hurting: Spouse Abuse in our Military Community
  • Blue Ribbon Campaign during April: Child Abuse Prevention Month
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month Workshops in October including: Marriage and Money, How to Have a Fair Fight, Managing Stress in Your Marriage, Why and How to Conduct Family Meetings

Family Life Education & Library:

Free pamphlets, books, literature and videos are available for loan on topics such as:

  • Couples Communication
  • Parenting
  • Preventing and reporting child and spouse abuse
  • Problem-solving and conflict resolution
  • Anger and stress management
  • Child Safety Education
  • Internet Safety

Single Parent Support Group:

This group meets monthly to provide support services, information and referral for members rearing his or her child as a single parent.

Referral Services:

These are a few of the referral services offered through FAP:

  • Safety Plan Assessment
  • Shelter Services
  • Transportation
  • Transitional Compensation
  • Telephone follow-up
  • Information and referral
  • Domestic Violence Safety Plan

Victim Advocate Program (VAP):

The Victim Advocacy Services program provides comprehensive assistance and support to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, including crisis intervention, safety planning and assistance in securing medical treatment for injuries, information on legal right and proceedings, and referral to military and civilian shelters and other resources available to victims. Victim Advocacy services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to Soldiers and family members.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you are not alone. Millions of people just like you are dealing with violence at home. Although usually well hidden, domestic violence is very common and affects people from all walks of life. No matter what you may have been led to think, nothing you say or do causes your partner to behave violently toward you, and it is impossible for you to prevent their assaults by being the perfect spouse. This kind of behavior is against the law. Domestic violence gets worse with time and sometimes result in death.

You have choices. You need to know that you have choices--you do not have to live in an environment that degrades and/or physically afflicts you. You are not alone!

Reporting options:

Restricted reporting allows victim to confidentially receive medical treatment, advocacy services and counseling without initiating an official investigation or command involvement. To maintain a restricted report only the following personnel can be notified: victim advocate, healthcare personnel, behavioral health and chaplains.

Unrestricted reporting allows the victim to receive medical treatment, advocacy and counseling services. An official investigation will be initiated and the command notified.

Victim Advocate: DSN 315-263-4853
Domestic Abuse Hotline: 080-5968-3188
Military Police: DSN 315-263-3002
Behavioral Health Services: DSN 315-263-4610
Chaplain: DSN 315-263-4898

Transitional Compensation:

The Transitional Compensation (TC) Program is a program for abused family members of military personnel. Temporary payments are authorized to families in which the active duty Soldier has been court-martialed (with a qualifying sentence) or is being administratively separated for a Family member abuse offense. The TC Program offers benefits and entitlements for 12-36 months to eligible family members. During this period, beneficiaries are provided temporary financial compensation and are eligible to receive medical care, including behavioral health services, as TRICARE beneficiaries. Recipients will also have commissary and exchange privileges during this period. Contact your local victim advocate, Family Advocacy Program manager or victim witness liaison for assistance with completing an application for transitional compensation.

Victim Advocate: DSN 315-263-4853
Family Advocacy Program Manager: DSN 315-263-4782
Victim/Witness Liaison: DSN 315-263-4041


Camp Zama Resources


Sexual Assault Response Coordinator,
Victim Advocate


Non-Duty Hours


Behavioral Health Service


Non-Duty Hours


Crawford Sams Medical Clinic

263-4127 on-post:
046-407-4127 off-post





Non-Duty Hours


MP Desk

263-3002 on-post:
046-407-3002 off-post



Sexual Assault Hotline

882# calling from DSN
090-9395-8909 calling from off-post



FAP Documents in PDF Format:

Emergency Placement Care Program (EPC):

The EPC Program similar to foster care is designed to provide children with a temporary nurturing home in the event wherein their natural family cannot care for them. The EPC family provides temporary home for a child until permanent arrangements can be made. The EPC program constantly seeks special people who care enough to help families in the community by providing a short-term stable, secure and safe environment for a child. Financial reimbursement is available. FAP provides EPC Parent Certification Training as needed. For more info, please call 263-4782.

Respite Child Care:

When families involved in the FAP need a break from stressful child-rearing situations, FAP can provide funds to provide limited short-term child care in certain situations.