The ACS staff and volunteers are available to help make your transition to Japan as problem free as possible. Upon your arrival at Camp Zama, ACS is available to serve you with the following orientation services:

  • Loan Closet (includes dishes, glasses, pots and pans, irons and ironing boards, coffee pots, toasters, etc) for 30-day loan.
  • Newcomer's Orientation (includes briefings on all available services at Camp Zama and a free "Taste of Japan" lunch) and tour of Camp Zama and Sagamihara Family Housing Area.
  • Sponsorship training classes specific to Japan are available. Please contact our Relocation Readiness Program Manager for more information.
  • Complete the E-Sponsorship Training.

In addition, we also provide: a Breast Feeding Support Group, Japanese language classes for adults and children, sponsorship and relocation information, money management seminars, budget counseling, Army Emergency Relief assistance, parenting classes, an Exceptional Family Member Program Support Group, Play Morning, Stress and Anger Management workshops, a Family Member Employment Program, short-term counseling, and Survivor Outreach Services.

ACS invites you to join our vital organization of volunteers. Our community needs the special talents you have to offer. We are located in Building 402 (near the main Exchange and the Community Club). Plan to visit us soon.

The Army Community Service (ACS) is conducting a needs assessment on all of it's programs. Your response will assist ACS in developing programs that meet the needs of our community. Thank you for your help.
Under AR 930-4, Army Emergency Relief provides EMERGENCY financial assistance in the form of a non-interest bearing loan, grant, or a combination of the two.
The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is one of the Army's principal programs to ensure that well-being in the Army keeps pace with changing times.
AFTB provides training for a way of life that prepares everyone in America's Army to function at their highest level, in any situation, with minimal outside support. The training improves personal and family preparedness which enhances overall Army readiness. Please contact the ACS center for further information.
The Employment Readiness Program provides assistance to individuals in acquiring skills, networks and resources that will allow them to participate in the work force and to develop career/work plans.
The Exceptional Family Member Program is a mandatory enrollment program that works with military and civilian agencies to assist families with special needs by providing comprehensive and coordinated community, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services.
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is dedicated to the prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention and treatment of spouse and child abuse.
The Financial Readiness Program offers information, education and counseling to enhance your abilities to manage money and invest in your future.
The Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program provides active duty, reserve units and guard units with pre and post deployment/mobilization briefings, Rear Detachment training, Reunion Workshops, Battlemind Training, Family Readiness Group training and assistance, information and referral services, resource materials, and Operation R.E.A.D.Y. (Resources for Education About Deployment and You) training.
The Relocation Readiness Program offers a comprehensive support system to help you and your family make permanent change of station moves as smoothly as possible.