For questions regarding your Reassignment, Deferment/Deletion, TCS, please email the Reassignment Section at: USARMY.IRWIN.IMCOM.MBX.DHR-REASSIGNMENT@MAIL.MIL
How do I get my orders?
Once the Reassignment Office receives your assignment from HRC, they will email your Assignment Notification to you with a scheduled date of your Levy briefing. Once you attend your Levy briefing, you will be informed on what paperwork that we will required from you. Once we verify your documents your orders will be processed and emailed to you and your S-1 within 5 business days.
Stateside (CONUS) – Orders will only read ‘Family Members: Yes or No’
Overseas (OCONUS) – Family member’s names and DOBs are listed individually
How do I get my clearing papers?
You will be able to pick up clearing papers 10 duty days prior to the start of your leave. In order to pick up clearing papers, you must be in uniform, have your approved leave form with control number and if required, you will need your DA5434 with all 5 sections completely filled out.
*You must be in appropriate duty uniform while clearing.
** Missing or inaccurate information will result in processing delays.
***All sections of your clearing papers must be complete.