
The Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) provides oversight of assigned programs; conducts analytical reviews; monitors Army baseline standards; captures and enables implementation of best business practices; identifies, tracks, and orchestrates reporting of performance measures; and integrates and optimizes use of technology. This office is the garrison commander’s focal point for strategy and management planning for the installation.


Planning Integration

Management Analysis

Provides analysis and advice to the Garrison Commander, staff and operating officials.
Provides independent assessments of program alternatives and priorities. Executes short and long range planning programs and selected business improvement initiatives including:

Strategic Analysis/Strategic Planning
Integration of Garrison Force Structure Actions Standard Garrison Organization Stationing/Restationing (AR 5-10 Actions)
Performance Assessment Review (PAR)
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)
Installation Planning Board (IPB)
Operational Planning Team (OPT)
Commanders' Workshops and Briefings
Special Studies
Integration of Future Plans and Programs
Lean Six Sigma (LSS)

Provide analysis and advice to the Garrison Commander along with program oversight to assigned garrison officials and staff. Oversee and execute performance measurement programs including:

Army Communities of Excellence (ACOE)
Army Performance Improvement Criteria (APIC)
Installation Status Report (ISR)
- Services
- Infrastructure
- Mission Capability
Business Process Redesign (BPR)
Quality Improvement Programs
Common Levels of Support. (CLS)
Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP)
Army Suggestion Program (ASP)
Strategic Management System (SMS)
Standard Support Analysis
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE)
Basic Allowance Housing (BAH)



How are we doing? Your feedback is appreciated.



Passport Office

Processing of no fee Official and Diplomatic Passports only.

Must have a bona fide need for the passport, official orders or Memorandum in Lieu of Orders (MILO) required for processing.

By appointment only, no walk-ins accepted.

Contact Bess Cucchiara in the Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) at 978-615-6799 or by email at bess.l.cucchiara.civ@army.mil to schedule an appointment.