Mandatory Training

ANNUAL ONLINE TRAINING & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge & Digital Version of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) To Take the Course or Sign the AUP: >Click “Login” top tab >Click “CAC Login” >Select appropriate Branch, Type, & MACOM from “Drop Down” prompts & click “Confirm” >Select “Cyber Awareness Challenge” or “View and Sign AUP” & follow instructions to complete the course or digitally sign the AUP. Repeat steps as necessary. NOTE: You must click the “Verify Training” button at the end of Cyber Awareness Challenge training for your training to update in ATCTS (takes up to 5 business days) Manual Version of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) To Complete the Form: >Click, download, review, electronically sign and upload to your Army Training and Certification Tracking System (ATCTS) account Derivative Classification To Take the Course: >Click “STEPP Login”, >Login or First time users “Create new account” (select “Army” for Organization) then Login, >Type the word “Derivative” (Course IF103.16) in the “Search Courses” box located under the word “Search” in the (R) column >Click “Enroll me” & follow the instructions to complete the course. Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum Risk Management in Army Training and Training Development To Take the Course: >CAC Login to MSCoE Blackboard (if “access denied” >Click the “LOGIN” button anyway) If using Internet Explorer (IE) >Click the IE “Tools” icon (upper right corner) >Click Compatibility View Settings” >Uncheck “Display intranet sites in Compatibility View” >Click “Close” & refresh. Ethics To Take the Course: >Click and “Login using my CAC/VA PIV” >Click the most current "Ethics Training” course version link offered under the “Title (Version)” column, >Follow the instructions to complete the course. Antiterrorism Awareness (AT Level 1) To Take the Course: >Click “Login using my CAC/VA PIV” >Click the "Course Catalog” Tab >Select "JS" from the drop down selection in the first box >Type "US007" in the second searchbox then press "Enter" >Click "Enroll" & follow the instructions to complete the course. Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti-Harassment & No-Fear (EEO/No-Fear) To Take the Course: >CAC Login to ATRRS Self-Development Center Non-Supervisors: >Type "203A" in the “Crs Nbr” search box & and press “Enter” (EEO-203A EEO, Anti-Harassment & No FEAR non-supervisory) >Click “Register” & follow the instructions to complete the course Supervisors: >Type “203B” " in the “Crs Nbr” search box & and press “Enter” (EEO-203B EEO, Anti-Harassment & No FEAR supervisor) >Click “Register” & follow the instructions to complete the course. Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) To Complete the Form: >Click, download, review, acknowledge with digital signature and provide a completed copy to your training coordinator. Foreign Disclosure To Complete the Form: >Click, download, review, acknowledge with digital signature and provide a completed copy to your training coordinator.
ANNUAL FACE-TO-FACE TRAINING For Face-to-Face Training Opportunities (dates, times, locations, and points of contact) view the Training Calendar Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) Required: Initial requirements and every 3-years thereafter.
SUPERVISOR'S TRAINING Managing Personnel with Clearances/Access to Classified Information To take the Course: >Click “CAC/PKI Login” >Click the “Search for Training” link in the Left Navigation bar (this will bring you to the “Search Catalog” search page) >Type "Security Training" in second search box & press “Enter” >Find the course >Click “Begin Registration” & follow the instructions to complete the course. Once all course lessons are complete, you will be able to print a certificate of completion from the ALMS homepage >Click the “Transcript” link in the left navigation bar >Find the completed course & hover the mouse over the “Actions” link in the“Actions Column” >Select “Print Certificate”. Supervisor Development Course Required: Within 12 months of placement in a supervisory position and every 3-years thereafter. To take the Course: >Click “Apply Now” & follow the instructions to complete the course. Overview: Provides supervisors with knowledge necessary to successfully manage work processes and lead in the Army Environment. This course is available to all Army employees as a self-development tool.
CIVILIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM CES Foundation Course (DL) Required: One-time requirement within 6 months of date of hire for all Army civilians employed after 30 Sep 2006. Overview: Provides Army Civilians with an orientation to leader development concepts, build their careers and become Army Civilian leaders. To take the Course: >Click “Apply Now” & follow the instructions. CES Basic Course (DL or Resident - 2wks at Fort Leavenworth, KS) Required: One-time required leader development course for all Army civilian supervisors in grades GS 5-9 or equivalent. Overview: Designed for the Army Civilian leader who exercises direct leadership to effectively lead and care for teams. To take the Course: >Click either the ‘Basic Course DL” or “Basic Course Resident” Option & follow the instructions. CES Intermediate Course (DL & Resident - 3wks at Fort Leavenworth) Required: One-time required leader development course for all Army civilian supervisors in grades GS 10-12 or equivalent. Overview: Designed to educate civilians to be more adaptive, innovative, self-aware, and prepared to effectively lead and care for personnel and manage assigned resources. To Take the Course: >Click “Apply Now” & follow the instructions. CES Advanced Course (DL & Resident - 4wks at Fort Leavenworth) Required: One-time required leader development course for all Army civilian supervisors in grades GS 13-15 or equivalent. Overview: Focus is on Army Civilians skilled in leading a complex organization in support of national security and defense strategies; integrating Army and Joint systems in support of the Joint Force; inspiring vision and creativity; implementing change; and managing programs. To Take the Course: >Click “Apply Now” & follow the instructions.