No. Current policies and command guidance require that all personnel accessing the installation are in possession of an installation access pass. The Trusted Traveler Privilege is suspended at Fort Wainwright.
Yes. DOD ID cardholders who are not in possession of their ID must process through the Visitor Center and receive a temporary pass.
Yes, the sponsor must accompany the individual to the Visitor Center to complete the registration process to receive an installation access pass.
A valid, unexpired government issued photo ID. If the individual is driving a vehicle, they must be in possession of a valid driver’s license.
A visitor pass may be issued for a short term or long term as necessary based on the circumstances and need in accordance with Army Regulation 190-13.
Yes. Every time a pass or badge is renewed the employee/visitor will go through the complete request process.
Yes. You may use a valid, unexpired US passport for identity and to complete the required vetting (foreign passports must be accompanied by a valid visa permit, ESTA Form (if required) and sponsored by a DoD ID Cardholder); however, if you are driving, you will also be required to provide a valid driver’s license.
Current times are estimated to be 5-7 minutes for background checks and approximately 2-3 minutes to print and issue a pass or badge. Overall wait times will vary based on the number of customers at the Visitor Center.
Organizations who are sponsoring large or special events should refer to Garrison Policy #30 (Access Control Rosters for Events, Contractors, and MWR).
All Contractors working on the installation must be in possession of an installation access pass while working on the worksite. Contractors are subject to unannounced pass inspections and those found without pass may be removed from the installation.
Yes, your federal credentials are acceptable identification. You will need to register it at the Visitor Center before you proceed to the gate as you normally would.
The denied person may request reconsideration using the Access Denial Waiver Process.
If the vetting finds any of the following information, you will be denied entry onto Fort Wainwright:
- Criminal information about the individual that causes the garrison commander to determine that the individual presents a potential threat to the good order, discipline, or health and safety of the installation.
- A claimed identity that cannot be verified based on the reasonable belief that the person submitted fraudulent identity information in the attempt to gain access.
- Current arrest warrant.
- Current bar from entry or access to a federal installation or facility.
- Conviction of crimes encompassing sexual assault, armed robbery, rape, child molestation, production or possession of child pornography, trafficking in humans, or drug possession with intent to sell or distribute.
- Conviction for espionage, sabotage, sedition, treason, terrorism or murder.
- Being registered as a sex offender.
- Felony conviction within the last 10 years, regardless of the offense or violation.
- Felony conviction for a firearms or explosives violation, regardless of when the conviction occurred.
No. We are not legally permitted to provide this information, even to the subject of the background check.
Current photo, Real ID compliant, identification card issued by the federal, state, or local government agency, provided it contains information (name, DOB, gender, height, eye color, and address with picture). If an identification card states "Federal Limits Apply" or "Not Acceptable for Official Federal Purposes", they are not authorized for use to access the installation. Authorized identification Include:
- Non-DoD United States government issued credentials
- Official Tribal/Bureau of Indian Affairs officially issued Native American ID card
- Valid state-issued driver’s license or State issued ID
- Gold Star Family ID Card
- Armed Forces Exchange Services Privilege Card
- U.S. DOD/Uniformed Services Civilian Geneva Convention ID
- Passports, to include a U.S. passport, a passport issued by U.S. territories with a valid entry stamp or a foreign passport with a valid visa or entry stamp
No. You may not conceal carry on a Federal Installation. If you wish to bring a weapon on post, it must be in accordance with Garrison Policy #27. Temporary storage is available adjacent to the Visitor Center.