A comprehensive, enduring operation to make every Soldier, Civilian, and Family member on Fort Riley more resilient and stronger across the five dimensions of strength: physical, emotional, social, family, and spiritual.
Fort Riley was established in 1853 along the Santa Fe Trail to protect settlers and travelers as they moved westward. This is the Main Post in 1866.
Modern training facilities and ranges at Fort Riley ensure our warfighters are prepared to deploy around the globe in support of our nation's freedom.
Physical Fitness
Fort Riley features six physical fitness centers with top-of-the-line equipment and programs designed to offer what you need to stay in shape and be healthy.
Fort Riley delivers the full spectrum of the live, virtual, construct, and gaming integrated training environment to the Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division and partnered National Guard and Army Reserve units.
The Flint Hills region offers residents a diverse array of activities. Explore the natural wonders of the Central Flint Hills and Milford Wetlands, visit cultural and historic sites, or try your hand at indoor and outdoor recreation activites both on and off post.
Fort Riley is a premier training site, with 150 square miles of dedicated training area, equipped with cutting edge, state-of-the-art training aids to build and maintain combat ready forces. Fort Riley provides quality accommodations for Soldiers and families and is a well-integrated part of the thriving communities that surround the post. The installation is home to the oldest continuously serving active-duty division in the U.S. Army, 1st Infantry Division.
Located in the Flint Hills region of Kansas, Fort Riley hosts approximately 15,000 active-duty service members and more than 18,000 family members. The area is also home to nearly 30,000 veterans, retirees and 5, 600 civilian employees who work at the post.
Fort Riley also serves National Guard and Reserve units as they training and hone their skills using the vast and modern training facilities at Fort Riley.
A comprehensive, enduring operation to make every Soldier, Civilian, and Family member on Fort Riley more resilient and stronger across the five dimensions of strength: physical, emotional, social, family, and spiritual.
The New My Army Post App connects Fort Riley Soldiers, Army Families, Veterans, Retirees, Civilians and communities with Fort Riley resources and information.