Roles and Responsibilities of Japanese Security Guards (JSG)
- Conduct base safety and security.
- Ensure that Access Control Points are secure during non-operating hours.
- Protect DLA sites.
- Permit and prohibit entry, conduct vehicle inspections and compulsory checks.
Torii Station JSG Guard Supervisors
Guard Chief
DSN: 315-652-5377
Deputy Guard Chief
DSN: 315-652-4696
Section Chief
DSN: 315-652-4992
Naha Military Port JSG Supervisor
Section Chief
DSN: 315-652-7744
Kuwae 1 JSG Supervisor
DSN: 315-645-9294
Kuwae 2 JSG Supervisor
DSN: 315-634-4417
Chimuwan JSG Supervisor
Chimuwan 1
DSN: 315-622-9006
Chimuwan 2
DSN: 315-622-9007
Chimuwan 3
DSN: 315-622-6120
White Beach JSG Supervisor
DSN: 315-622-1410
**Note that Chimuwan Supervisors fall under White Beach and Tengan Booster.
**Torii Supervisors fall under Kuwae.