Mission of Workforce Development

Develop and maintain an engaged, cohesive, effective, adaptive and customer-focused workforce committed to professional development, progress and sustainability. Ensure employment initiatives, policies, programs, training, leader development and other related service opportunities are offered by USAG-POM.


Services and Programs

Service Culture Campaign (SCC)

Sponsorship/Onboarding Program

Leader-Workforce Engagement Services


Sense of Belonging (Branding)


Employee Recognition Programs


Employee Professional Development Training Program

Operational Excellence (OPEX) Customer Service Training

Monthly Professional Development Trainings

Individual Development Plans (IDPs)

Career Professional Development Courses:

-Army Career Tracker (ACT)

ACT is a leadership development tool that integrates training and education into one personalized, easy-to-use website. All employees are required to have their Individual Development Plan (IDP) in ACT.  An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a tool to assist employees in planning their career and personal development goals.  Its primary purpose is to assist employees to obtain short and long-term career goals, as well as improve current job performance.  An IDP is not a performance evaluation tool or a one-time activity. The IDP represents the partnership between the employee and the supervisor and involves preparation with continuous feedback.


Employee and supervisor must have active Army Career Tracker (ACT) accounts

           To create an account use the Army Career Tracker link below

           Current supervisor must have a supervisor account in ACT

           For assistance with ACT, you must submit a help desk ticket


Employee and supervisor must have active GoArmyEd (GAE) accounts to create an account:

           Current supervisor must have a supervisor account in GAE

           For assistance with GAE contact the help desk at 1-800-817-9990


-Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System (ACTEDS)

Training is open to IMCOM/AEC Civilians who meet program eligibility requirements outlined in AR 350-1, Chap 4 dated 10 Dec 17. Army Civilians, with 1+ years of full time, permanent appointment -Completion of CES Advanced Course or equivalent course credit - Grade requirement is based on each specific CPD Programs.

-Civilian Education System (CES)

CES courses are an important part of our professional development and are prerequisites for certain other courses and programs.  If you have not completed the CES course appropriate for your grade, please consider doing so this year.

-Emerging Enterprise Leader (GS-11/12)

-Senior Executive Talent Management (GS 13 and above)


Career Programs

There are now 31 Career Programs providing support to all Army Civilians.

 -Career Maps

A key tenet of employees’ development is reviewing opportunities for your development.  This is a complex task in the Federal Government.  With this in mind, the attached slides are for your use and provide the Army-level points of contact for all career programs.  The points of contact listed can provide assistance in the available Functional training in your Career Program (CP).


A Frequently Asked Question regarding Career Programs:

-What is my current CP?

Log into MyBiz+ and review the bottom of your Civilian Career Brief.  You will see the name of your career program.


-Career Program POCs (Click to View)


Memorialization Program

Administration Management

Policy Interpretation

Personnel Actions, Awards, Staffing

Defense Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP)

The Department of the Army and USAG-POM embrace workforce development as it is an essential component in creating, sustaining and retaining a viable workforce.



The following links are only accessible if the following conditions are met:

-  Authorized user

-  CAC-enabled system

-  DOT mil connectivity

-  recognized government computer


Army Career Tracker:                            https://actnow.army.mil/

Go Army Ed:                                          https://www.goarmyed.com/

Civilian Education System:                    https://usacac.army.mil/organizations/cace/amsc/courses/

MyBiz:                                                    https://compo.dcpds.cpms.osd.mil/

DPMAP:                                                 https://www.dcpas.osd.mil/ler/dpmap

Senior Executive Talent Management:  https://www.csldo.army.mil/