The O&M Division is responsible for the sustainment of real property facilities and utilities infrastructure throughout the Garrison and provides for municipal services (custodial, grounds maintenance, and refuse). O&M operates complex water and sewage treatment plants, Energy electrical grid, railroads infrastructures and delivers utilities supplies to the installation.
Maintenance of all utility services (electrical, HVAC, plumbing, potable water, sanitation);
Energy production and PV/micro-grid systems, Performs technical reviews and evaluations for designs
  Maintains buildings (carpenters, locksmiths, masons, etc.) and roads and grounds.
Performs snow removal, pest control, and technical reviews and evaluations of designs.
Manages all DPW recurring maintenance and municipal services contracts.
The Operations and Maintenance Division manages solid wastes generated on USAG Italy. Solid waste recycling is required by Italian law and is conducted at the Solid Waste Accumulation Point (SWAP) at Darby. Recycling containers are located within Camp Darby and Depot areas.
•Solid Waste Accumulation Point:
•Dumpster Locations:
Hazardous substances should be turned into the Hazardous Waste Storage Area, located at the Depot, Bldg. 5164 (phone number +39-340-424-5881), and not disposed of in-home refuse bins.