All personnel (military and civilian) residing on Fort Irwin are required to register their Privately Owned Weapons (POWs) within 24hrs after the weapon is introduced on Fort Irwin. Personnel requiring weapons registration will complete NTC Form 655, Registration of Privately-Owned Weapons, and forward it to the Police Desk in building 326 or at for completion of a NCIC records check. Upon completion of the records check, NTC Form 655 will be furnished to the unit commander/director who will determine eligibility for POW possession/ownership and storage location. Commanders/directors will document their determination and forward NTC Form 655 to the Police Station (Bldg. 326) or at for registration of the weapon(s) in the Army’s Centralized Operations Police Suite. Upon completion of registration a copy of the completed form will be furnished to: The unit for retention, to the registrant to accompany the weapon, and the DES Administrative Section for record.
Weapons Registration Policy Letter
Privately Owned Weapons Registration Form