The Military & Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program at a glance:
- Provides non-medical short-term, situational problem-solving counseling to Service Members and their Families
- Provides psycho-education to help Service Members and their Families understand the impact of stress, deployments, family reunions following deployments and the stresses of military life
- MFLC services augment existing military support services
- Flexible service delivery (outreach/rotational and on-demand)
- Services can be provided on or off military installations
- Services provided to individuals, couples, families and groups
- Children's Support Program addresses impact of military life on children
- Mandated reporters of child abuse, domestic abuse and other duty-to-warn situations
- Services are otherwise confidential and private, except for duty-to-warn situations
Non-Medical Counseling Services
Life Skills
- Anger management
- Communication
- Relationship issues
- Productivity at work
- Conflict resolution
- Parenting
- Decision-making skills
Military Lifestyle
- Deployment stress
- Coping skills
- Relocation adjustment
- Sadness, grief and loss
- Homesickness
- Separation
- Building resiliency
- Reintegration warrior to citizen
About Military & Family Life Counselors
- Masters or Ph.D. level licensed clinical counselors
- Work with Families, individuals, couples and children to provide non-medical problem identification and counseling services
- Address relationships, stress management, grief after loss, occupational and other individual and family issues, providing crisis intervention when needed
- Work with existing Military Family Support programs to complement services provided
Guard/Reserve Component Services
To maximize the support available to Guard and Reserve Service Members while preparing for the issues surrounding pre-deployment, mobilization and post-deployment, the MFLC Program:
- Provides psycho-educational presentations, briefings and counseling support for drill weekends and Family events on a variety of topics, including deployment, mobilization, reunion and reintegration, communication and sadness, grief and loss
- Provides services including educational and counseling services for Families, pre-deployment events for Service Members, deployment presentations for younger audiences, marriage enrichment and stress reactions and coping mechanisms.
MFLC is intended to serve all Services and Guard/Reserve components.