The Welcome Center is your first stop upon arrival at Fort Bliss. A goal of the Welcome Center is to immediately link you with your unit sponsor and in-process you into our Fort Bliss family.
Necessary Documents: Upon arrival to the Welcome Center, service members must bring copies of PCS orders (amendments if applicable), and DA Form 31 for members who took leave in transit. Steps: Soldiers E-4 and below will go from day zero thru four. Soldiers E-5 and above will go from day zero to six. The two additional days for those grades are for ASIST training. All instructions and information for each day is provided in the welcome packet upon arrival to the Welcome Center. Additional guidance is provided by the Welcome Center Movement NCOs on a daily basis as well as the rest of the staff at the Welcome Center.
Services Offered: Driver's License Office, County Tax Office, Reserve Retention, Finance, Strength Management.