- Uniformed service members on official orders do not need a passport to enter Romania or Bulgaria.
- Uniformed service members can also enter the United States with a copy of their travel orders and military ID.
- Uniformed service members require a tourist passport for leisure travel, excluding travel to/from Romania or Bulgaria and the United States.
- All non-uniformed personnel require tourist passports for leisure travel.
U.S. Embassy American Consular Services (ACS) Office in Bucharest, Romania, and Sofia, Bulgaria.
Don’t wait until last minute, No fee Passports can be renewed up to a year before their expiration date, official/tourist passports up to 6 months before their expiration date.
All Passport applications must be brought to the passport office, typed, and contain a 2D Barcode. To complete the correct application, visit the Department of State website: Application for U.S. Passport (
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Services
Active-Duty members in possession of a tourist passport, does not require a SOFA Stamp or Card. They acquire SOFA Status through their PCS/TCS or TDY orders. Family members of active-duty members and Civilians employees in possession of a No-Fee or an official passport should have the Black Ink Sofa Stamp on page 7, 8, or 9.
SOFA STATUS IS REQUIRED FOR ROMANIA AND BULGARIA. Government Civilians and their Family members are not required to have a SOFA CARD or SOFA Stamp on their passport. It is recommended when entering the country for the first time to have a copy of your PCS orders and your Identification Documents, i.e. Common Access Card (CAC), Family Member Military U.S. ID Card, and passports.