Romanian Cod Numeric Personal (CNP) is the Romanian equivalent of the American Social Security Number (SSN). Issued to Romanian Citizens at birth, it is a requirement for most interactions with the authorities, banks and other institutions in Romania. For U.S. personnel assigned to a military installation on Romanian territory (not on rotation), the Romanian Minister of Internal Affairs, through the Romanian Minister of Defense, issues a special CNP, to allow for POV registration, opening a bank account, and mobile phone contracts as well as other services that require a CNP.
Please find below the memo to be filled in when requesting a Romanian CNP. It is important that you follow the instructions below exactly in order to successfully submit your CNP Memo, if something is wrong it will be returned to you for correction:
- Fill in the current date;
- Keep the table format;
- Fill in all the required fields;
- Submit the final draft before signing it, for review;
- Your (wet) signature should be above your name, not below, once everything is in order.
Once filled out please send the Community Support Officer an email with your CNP Memo for review. Email: