APG ASAP is hosting the ACE-SI Tier 2 certification at APG, January 17 & 18, 2024, at Mallette Training Facility, Room 110 & RM 111 (breakout), 6575 Jayhawk Rd, Building 6008, APG, MD 21005.
15 seats are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. To reserve a slot, organizations should review the eligibility requirements below and submit the personnel contact information listed to the ASAP POC, Ms. Vivian Jackson, ASAP Specialist – Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator at Vivian.a.jackson.civ@army.mil, (410) 278-0671. Please provide names by Dec. 28, 2023.
Eligibility Requirements:
Soldiers must have 12 months remaining in their position after graduation of the course.
DA Civilians must have 24months remaining in their position after
graduation of the course.
- Army first-line leaders
- Army Civilian supervisors
- Soldier and Family Readiness Group leaders
- DA Civilians must be in grades GS-7 and higher.
- Soldiers must be in grades E-6 and above. (Officers and Warrant Officers)
Personnel Contact Information
Time Remaining on station:
Contact number:
All Army units will have ACE-SI trainers to support commanders with prevention and intervention. It is recommended that they conduct the annual Personal Readiness Training, ACE Base +1, for their units. Instructors are supported by a behavioral health professional or on-call chaplain.
Additional classes will be April 24 - 25, 2024 and June 26-27, 2024.
As the Army’s enhanced suicide prevention unit training program, ACE-SI empowers service members
by providing comprehensive instruction on how to appropriately and deliberately intervene in crisis
situations, and to recognize and assist at-risk individuals who are dealing with challenges.
The program teaches participants to remain calm, ask directly about suicidal ideation, express empathy
and safely escort at-risk individuals to the appropriate response agency or to remain with them until
help arrives. Under ACE-SI, Army members are taught their roles in postvention response after someone
dies by suicide as well as their reintegration responsibilities for individuals returning from after
receiving behavior-health support.
Based on scientific literature concerning suicide and best practices for intervention, the program includes
record training for suicide prevention: ACE Base +1 training, material to include Reducing Stigma, Active
Listening, and Practicing ACE. The Base module is required annually and includes the steps of "Ask, Care,
Escort" and then unit leadership elects one of the three +1 modules to train. In addition, the program
covers risk factors for harmful behaviors and protective (resilience) factors. Certified ACE-SI instructors
explain the far-reaching effects of suicide and Army members’ prevention and intervention responsibilities.
They arm students with conversation tools to promote active listening so that individuals in crisis feel
heard and understood.