The Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) program is a core program of the Army’s Sustainable Range Program (SRP) and is responsible for maintaining the land to help the Army to meet its training requirements. This requires understanding and balancing Army Training requirements and land management practices. ITAM provides data that depicts suitability, accessibility, capability, and capacity of training lands to support maneuver training throughput and mission readiness.
The ITAM Program relies on its five components to accomplish its mission. The five components are Training Requirements Integration (TRI); Range and Training Land Assessment (RTLA); Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance (LRAM); Sustainable Range Awareness (SRA); and SRP Geographic Information System (GIS). These components combine to provide the means to understand how the Army's training requirements impact land management practices, the impact of training on the land, how to mitigate and repair the impact, and communicate the ITAM message to Soldiers and the public.
At Fort Huachuca, the ITAM staff works with the Department of Public Works, Environmental and Natural Resources Division, and Range Operation to develop and prioritize land rehabilitation projects, provide technical support and contribute supplemental funding to shared-interest projects.
Range and Training Land Assessment (RTLA)

The Range and Training Land Assessment (RTLA) program acquires data and assesses information to optimize the capability and sustainability of land to meet the Army training and testing mission. To accomplish this goal, the RTLA program conducts assessments to inventory and monitor natural resource conditions. RTLA manages, analyzes, and reports on the data collected in order to evaluate relationships between land use and land condition.
RTLA assessments results are used to identify potential impediments to training prior to impacting training realism, safety, accessibility, and/or availability. RTLA data supports the informational needs of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), various Installation Management Plans, and the Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance (LRAM) projects.
The core of the RTLA program is to provide sound natural resource related information to support the planning process and help to ensure that Army training lands are capable of meeting the doctrinal needs of training missions now and in the future.
Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance (LRAM)

The Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance (LRAM) program is responsible for physically sustaining lands to ensure the capability, availability, and accessibility. Training lands are like any other weapon in the arsenal they must be properly maintained to ensure use now and in the future. LRAM is charged with providing preventative maintenance and corrective land rehabilitation to retain and increase the total number of acres available for training.
Training Requirements Integration (TRI)

The Training Requirements Integration (TRI) is the ITAM component that provides decision support to the Sustainable Range Program (SRP). TRI is led by the ITAM Coordinator with direct support from all ITAM components. The ITAM Coordinator works closely with the installation range office, natural resources management, and the environmental staff, as well as state and federal agencies.
The results of TRI decision support to SRP for ranges and training land are captured in the Range Complex Master Plan. (RCMP). The RCMP documents Senior Commander training needs that TRI evaluates to determine current training land capabilities against required capability. This analysis drives the development of goals and objectives for training lands.
Sustainable Range Awareness (SRA)
When military land users practice good stewardship in the field, they are also achieving Army mission objectives. The Sustainable Range Awareness (SRA) program educates land users and managers about local natural and cultural resources to reduce the potential of inflicting avoidable impacts on range and training land assets. SRA provides briefings, exhibits, and educational materials about the ranges, safety, and natural and cultural resources. We encourage you to contact our office if you have map, data, or spatial analysis needs. For a downloadable version of our SRA Materials go to:
Soldier Field Card
SRP Geographical Information System (GIS)
SRP GIS Program Mission Statement:
The Sustainable Range Program GIS Mission is to create, analyze, manage, and distribute authoritative standardized spatial information, products, and services for the execution of training strategies and missions on U.S. Army ranges and training lands. Through information excellence, one of the three tenets upon which the SRP was founded, the SRP GIS Program strives to provide the SRP Community, Trainers, and Soldiers with the ability to leverage the most accurate and complete datasets through easily accessible and user-friendly products and applications. Fort Huachuca is supported by the Consolidated ITAM GIS Support Team in Alexandria, VA.
For Fort Huachuca, the GIS Support Team creates and maintains spatially-referenced data representing the installation’s training areas, facilities, and ranges. That data, along with data maintained by other installation organizations, are utilized to produce cartographic and analytic products that support a variety of training-related objectives including SRP outreach, range modernization, and training lands assessment, repair, and maintenance (RTLA and LRAM).
We encourage you to contact our office if you have map, data, or spatial analysis needs. We can be reached at 520-533-7281 or at 520-533-7100. The link below is a downloadable version of our map/data request form.
LINKS (downloadable .pdf maps/documents): Map and Data request form
We have an online collection of training related maps located at the Sustainable Range Program Website located at https://srp2.army.mil/ after creating an account. Once an account has been created, maps can be accessed by clicking the Geographic Information Systems tab on the top of the website, then navigating to Fort Huachuca on the Installation SRP GIS Pages ribbon on the left hand side of the page. This website contains the Fort Huachuca 1:50,000 scale Military installation map, Training Area Maps, Range Maps, and other training related maps.
In addition to developing maps specific to your requirements, we may be able to assist you with the following data products and/or services:
- Contour (elevation) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data
- Data Reprojection
- Georeferencing & Georectification
- Aspect, Hillshade, and Slope Generation
- Visibility & Line of Sight Analysis
- Tabular (Attribute) Population & Technical Support
- Surface Danger Zone (SDZ) Analysis
- Buffer Analysis & Generation
- Suitability/Capability Studies
- Data (Theme) Classification
- Density Analysis
- Proximity Analysis
- FGDC Metadata Creation & Technical Support
- Geospatial Data Standardization
- Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Data Collection