ATRRS Course: 4K-F20/494-F28                      School: 807

Course Length: 8 Weeks 0.0 Days

Class Maximum: 44     Class Optimum: 44     Class Minimum: 12

Scope: Training provides the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) incident, as part of the state emergency management response system. It also provides a detailed overview of the organization and function of a CST. Students learn to prepare for and enter a potentially contaminated area, operate a variety of specialized military and civilian CBRN agent detectors and equipment in support of detection and identification operations (CBRN Survey), conduct a septic sample collection, process suspected hazardous materials/substances, conduct personal decontamination operations and perform Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA). Students receive Hazardous Materials Operations and Technician level of training. Students who successfully complete the Hazardous Materials courses through this school will receive DOD certification as accredited by International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) for each specific course.

Special Information:  All students who will be attending the Civil Support Skills Course 4K-F20/494-F28, must bring their medical records and proof of physical, physiological and psychological fitness to work in a respirator and OSHA Level A for up to four hours IAW 29 CFR 1910-120. A medical evaluation must be performed by a physician or other licensed healthcare professional (PLHCP). The PLHCP may use the OSHA medical questionnaire contained in Appendix C of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR1910-134 or perform a physical examination that obtains the same information as required in the questionnaire. Students without medical records cannot start training and will be returned to home unit.

1. Height/weight standards across all TRADOC courses will be enforced IAW AR 350-1 para 313.

2. Information listed below does NOT apply to USAF, USMC, USN or International Students, go to web page for information on inter-service & foreign military soldiers.

3. Students may fly to the Waynesville/St Robert Regional (TBN), St. Louis International Airport (STL-2.5-hour drive) or Springfield/Branson National Airport (SGF-1.5-hour drive). Students travel should be coordinated to report the day prior to training and coordinate with their unit if additional costs are incurred for additional lodging and expenses. Students will not be released until training is complete so plan flights accordingly. Students driving must have current car registration, insurance card and drivers license.

4. Lodging & Meals


a.     Upon arrival to FLW, ALL students report to Building 628 for their room assignment or hotel assignment. Parking is located just west of barracks for student vehicles.

b.     Students will check in at building 628, 12857 4th Street, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 between 1200–2000. Anyone arriving outside of the check in time will call the barracks manager at (573) 596-6094/6106, 24 hours in advance to schedule a time. 

c.     Room Assignments: Rooms will be assigned based on availability, suggested room assignments; E1-E5 open bay, E6-E7 and LTs double room, CPTs single room.

d.     Students E8/O4 and above may stay off post.

e.     Military linen will be issued, Soldiers are authorized to bring linen however it may not be turned in for cleaning services. All Soldiers will be responsible for the cleanliness of the barracks, any misconduct could result in being dropped from the course and returned to your unit and your leadership being notified.

f.      All Soldiers assigned to a room will be responsible for the daily cleanliness of the room. You must secure all military and personal gear into a wall-locker. You will be required to bring a lock to secure the wall-locker. 

g.     All Soldiers will be responsible for bringing their own personal hygiene equipment (i.e., shampoo, soap, towels, etc.) Military linen add pillows will be issued to everyone. Soldiers are authorized to bring their own personal blankets, pillows, etc.

h.     Alcohol is not authorized in the barracks at any time. Smoking is only authorized in the barracks parking lot across the street.

i.      There are two (2) commercial refrigerators, and three (3) microwaves in the Day Room for everyone’s use. 

j.      Parking is only authorized in the parking lot across the street, not in front of the barracks, except for loading and unloading.

k.     Checkout will be 0500 of the day your course graduates this is the final day of HDCSO provided lodging. Please ensure your unit will provide lodging after graduation if required.

l.      Only students with Valid Reservations (R) in ATRRS will be covered with ITDLM funds. The sending command will be required to fund students that report without a Valid Reservation status in ATRRS.  Wait status (W) is not a valid reservation and will be unit funded.

m.   Due to limited billeting, students are recommended to not bring their dependents or pets to school with them. Students will not bring privately owned weapons.


Meals for students of all ranks will be provided at no cost 7 days per week. Students should ensure they have Meal Entitlement Code (MEC) 05 assigned by their S-1 on their CAC prior to arriving. Only CACs can be used to obtain meals at the assigned DFAC.

a.     TDY Army Soldiers housed on the Installation and attending other courses, US&R Rescuer/Extractor, CRE Responder Basic, CRE Responder Advanced will subsist at installation dining facilities 7 days a week. Cost of meals are centrally funded and provided at no cost to the soldier. Meal Per Diem is not authorized. Soldiers should be assigned Meal Entitlement Code (MEC) 05 on their Common Access Card (CAC) by their permanent duty location S-1 PRIOR to arriving. CAC will be used at the DFAC. Meals are authorized from class start date to class end date.

b.    Note: If a student requires Kosher, Halal, or diet restriction MRE, the unit must provide a Memorandum for Record to the Course Manager 15 days in advance of the report date.

c.     Students may take their meals in the DFAC, located at Building 930 (MP DFAC). 

5. Transportation Information:

a.     If driving, the most direct route is by Interstate 44 that runs between St. Louis and Springfield, MO.

b.     If traveling by air to St Louis: Coach and commercial bus lines or rental car are available for transportation. Ft Leonard Wood is approximately 140 miles southwest of St Louis.

c.     If traveling by air from Dallas or Nashville: Contour Airlines offers daily direct flights to Fort Leonard Wood airport (TBN).

d.    If traveling by air to Springfield: Rental car is the only transportation available. Fort Leonard Wood is approximately 90 miles northeast of Springfield.

Daily transportation to and from classes is not provided.

Commercial taxis are available on a 24-hour basis in and around post. 

In and around mileage for students attending resident service schools that travel by POV may be authorized by the funding/order issuing official using their unit LOA.

6. Other points of contact:

a.    Homeland Defense/Civil Support Courses: Joseph Tarczynski, 573-563-7663. Course Manager: Jerry Lair 573-596-1309,

b.   IRTD NCOIC: 573-596-2510. 

c.   IRTD FAX: 573-596-1371 *Ensure that all faxes have a cover sheet stating subject, student name, course, and call back number.

d.  IOC Watch Officer located in HQ MSCoE, Hoge Hall, Bldg 3200, Room 110, 573-563-6126. Available after normal duty hours.​​​​​