- Home buying counseling
- Landlord-tenant dispute resolution
- Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) data submission
- Property inspections IAW NDAA
- Informational briefings (in and out processing, entitlements) and community outreach
- Between Occupancy Inspections ensuring Service Members and their families move into a Life/Health/Safety issue free home
- Liaison for Command Teams with outside agencies for all housing needs
- Oversee the Army Barracks Management Program
- Processing and tracking of Exceptions to Policy (ETP)
Fort Leonard Wood Housing Office provides customer service and support to Service Members and their families. The office is located at Building 470 Room 1217 and is divided into three departments to better facilitate each Service Member and their specific needs in accordance with Army Regulation 420-1.
Service Members orders require them to contact the Housing Office (HSO) at their new duty station before making arrangements to rent, lease, or purchase off-post housing. The HSO goal is to implement and maintain a high quality of worldwide resource for relocation services that is innovative, comprehensive, and the first choice of information and support when Soldiers and families relocate.
HSO Recommendations:
- Service-Members should ensure they review and understand all obligations under the lease agreement. The HSO Office is available to help conduct lease reviews.
- Ensure you conduct a comprehensive move-in inspection of the rental unit and get a copy of the move in document that you returned to the property manager.
- Reminder, the lease is a legal binding Document /Contract
Contact your local HSO office at 573-596-0984.
RCI provides quality service and support to Service Members and their families. Fort Leonard Wood Army Housing Office is partnered with Leonard Wood Family Communities (LWFC) to provide family friendly neighborhoods for the Service Members assigned here. LWFC assumed operation of Family Housing in June 2008. There are over 1,800 homes available on post. LWFC provides homes of two, three, and four bedrooms. Service Members will receive a DD Form 1746 (On-Post Housing Application) explaining their entitlements in accordance with DEERS.
Contact your local RCI Office at 573-596-3754.
Single Service Member Housing
All Single E-1 through E-5 Personnel assigned to the installation will be assigned a barracks in the UPH barracks facilities. Any questions or concerns regarding single service member barracks can be addressed by our program manager at 573-596-0973.
Service members arriving after hours needing a barracks room should contact the on call Transient Barracks Program Manager at 573-433-1782.