
The mission of the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, Directorate of Human Resources, Military Personnel Division, Fingerprint Office is to provide support for garrison employees.


All fingerprint services are provided by appointment only. Please consider the office hours and location information within the sidebar above, and to request an appointment via email or phone.

The Fingerprint Office provides fingerprint support for garrison personnel. For all other mission unit personnel and their spouses please contact the unit level security office.

All fingerprinting for child-related employment and volunteer work requires pre-coordination because of unique fingerprinting requirements to work with children in an Army-sponsored program. Pre-coordination is done by CPAC (for NAF/GS government employees) or your Program’s Functional Manager (for ACS, RSO, CYS volunteers/contractors).


  • Provide fingerprint services for IMCOM CDE Child Services Fingerprint Support
  • Provide fingerprint services IMCOM Commander Designated Entity Fingerprint Information Worksheets receipt and processing (i.e. CYS Volunteers, Red Cross)
  • Provide fingerprint services IMCOM CPAC (NAF/APF Employee) Childcare Suitability FP requests
  • Provide fingerprint services IMCOM CPAC (NAF/APF Employee) General Suitability FP requests (non-childcare)
  • Provide fingerprint services Non-Army tenants (DoDEA, DECA, AAFES, etc.)
  • Provide fingerprint services miscellaneous fingerprint requirements for the garrison for items such as adoption applications, weapons permits, US Customs & Immigration Services (USCIS), etc.