What is TAP?
TAP provides transition and employment assistance to Soldiers and their adult family members who are transitioning from active duty to being a veteran. Pre-separation planning is a critical part of a Soldier’s transition to civilian life. It includes learning information about benefits, creating and maintaining budgets, developing job search skills, career guidance, job search assistance, and other guidance relevant to transitioning from military service. Starting the process on-time in the long run is beneficial to a smooth transition. Retiring Soldiers can begin using TAP services 24 months prior to retirement and Soldiers who are separating can begin up to 18 months prior to ETS.
Why is TAP Important?
It is congressionally mandated by Public Law 107-103, and the VOW Act, dated 21 Nov 2012. All separating military members, regardless of rank or component, who have at least 180 days of continuous Active Duty service are required to complete all VOW Act requirements by attending SFL core courses, the Department of Labor Employment Workshop (unless exempt – see exemption information at DOLEW-Exempt), and VA Benefits briefing within the VOW Act timelines. Most of the VOW Act requirements can be accomplished by completing required course instruction via the TAP Virtual Center at https://www.sfl-tap.army.mil/pages/virtual/ default.aspx or attending a 5-day TAP workshop soon after completing your initial pre-separation and initial counseling. See SFL-TAP Overview for more information.
How Do I Get Started?
Please visit https://www.sfl-tap.army.mil/pages/transition/preseparation_counseling.aspx, and follow the directions to the Pre-Separation on-line presentation. After completing the presentation, please call 1-800-325-4715 to speak with a SFL-TAP Virtual Center Transition Counselor to schedule initial counseling. Once complete, contact 309-782-7780, and ask about the week long SFL-TAP Quarterly Workshop. A completed eFORM (formally the DD Form 2648 and DD Form 2958) is your proof that you have completed program requirements. Soldiers cannot clear Rock Island Arsenal without the CRSs being met, and without the eFORM signed by their commander or their designee.
5-Day TAP Workshops
TAP workshops provide information about successful job search, and make connections to useful resources. Additionally, VA subject matter experts will brief you on all your VA benefits at the workshop.
Job Information
To enhance your job search, you may wish to visit the following websites:
For more resources relating to SFL-TAP visit,
The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of this Web site or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the U.S. Army does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this Department of Defense Web site.
List of Documents URLs:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RIAsfltap/?view_public_for=288222458269173
Public Law 107-103: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ103/pdf/PLAW-107publ103.pdf
DOLEW-Exempt: http://www.usagria.army.mil/docs/SoldierForLife/DOLEW_Exempt.docx
SFL-TAP Virtual Center: https://www.sfl-tap.army.mil/pages/virtual/default.aspx
SFL-TAP Overview: file: \\rockria0dr07121\garfs02\Enterprise_Shared\Military Personnel Division (MPD)\1. TRANSITION MANAGEMENT\2. SFL-TAP SITE SUPPORT\1. QUARTERLY TAP WORKSHOPS\1. SFL-TAP Workshop Files\3. FY 2016\4TH QTR\SFL-TAP Fact Sheet.pdf
Pre-separation online presentation: file///\\rockria0dr07121\garf02\Enterprise_Shared\Military Personnel Division (MPD)\1. TRANSITION MANAGEMENT\2.SFL-TAP SITE SUPPORT\13.Pre-Separation on-line\initiating SFL-TAP process.pdf
eForm: //\\rockria0dr07121\garfs02\Enterprise_Shared\Military Personnel Division (MPD)\1. TRANSITION MANAGEMENT\2. SFL-TAP SITE SUPPORT\1. QUARTERLY TAP WORKSHOPS\1. SFL-TAP Workshop Files\3. FY 2017\1st QTR\Nov 16\Soldier eForm Instructions (2648).pdf
Under How Do I Get Started
Please visit… https://www.sfl-tap.army.mil/pages/transition/preseparation_counseling.aspx
Pre-Separation Counseling-online presentation: https://www.sfl-tap.army.mil/pages/transition/preseparation_counseling.aspx
Bring to Workshop: \\rockria0dr07121\garfs02\Enterprise_Shared\Military Personnel Division (MPD)\1. TRANSITION MANAGEMENT\2. SFL-TAP SITE SUPPORT\1. QUARTERLY TAP WORKSHOPS\1. SFL-TAP Workshop Files\3. FY 2016\4TH QTR\Bring_to_Workshop.pdf
Under Job Information:
More Resources