We would like to welcome you to visit Rock Island Arsenal. We have a multitude of activities that are open to the public on a daily basis. Whether you're visiting the Rock Island Arsenal Museum, Rock Island National Cemetery, the Mississippi River Visitor's Center or our Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation services, we are pleased to have you on the installation. This page will provide you information on the requirements to obtain a pass to visit us.
Rock Island Arsenal Trusted Traveler Program
Trusted Traveler Program is designed to expedite access for Service members and dependent spouses, DoD employees, and retired Service members and spouses; maintain efficient vehicle throughput; mitigate traffic congestion on adjoining roadways; and allow trusted travelers to vouch for occupants. The program allows a uniformed Service member or government employee with a valid DoD CAC, a military retiree (with a valid DoD ID credential), or an adult dependent 18 years or older (with a valid DoD ID credential) to present their ID credential for access to the installation while simultaneously vouching for any vehicle occupants.
- The number of personnel a trusted traveler is allowed to sponsor at any one time is everyone in their current vehicle.
- Persons identified as trusted travelers are responsible for the actions of all occupants for whom they sponsor and must be physically with the visitor(s) while on the installation.
- Vehicle occupants that are sponsored by the trusted traveler must be 18 years of age or older and be in possession of: a valid picture ID card such as a State driver’s license, State ID or passport.
- Occupants under the age of 18 has to be escorted by an adult occupant of the vehicle that is cleared to enter the installation.
- The program may be suspended due to mission requirements, force protection levels, or due to emergencies.
- DoD contractors in possession of a CAC are not authorized trusted traveler privileges.
- Eligible visitors are welcome at Rock Island Arsenal (RIA) during HPCON-Bravo.
- Force Protection personnel conduct 100% ID checks at all gates of entry. Persons aged 18 years and older must present a state or federally issued picture identification.
- Persons not possessing a DoD issued ID or Government issued PIV card must have a valid reason to access Rock Island Arsenal (RIA). RIA is not to be used as a thoroughfare. Individuals operating a vehicle are required to have in possession a current driver’s license, proof of current vehicle insurance and current vehicle registration.
- A visitor pass is required to enter Rock Island Arsenal.
- Visitors must complete a favorable criminal background check before entry.
- Foreign Nationals are not allowed access, unless visiting for Official Business.
- All first time visitors must process through the Visitor Welcome Center (Outside Moline Gate). All first time visitors must present a valid state identification card, driver’s license or valid U.S. Passport to obtain a visitor pass.
- Visitors arriving outside of Visitor Welcome Center hours will be assisted at the Moline Gate.
- Visitors with a pass may use any gate.
- Visitor hours are from Sunrise to Sunset, unless official business, visits to families living on Rock Island Arsenal, or events are scheduled after these hours.
Visitor Welcome Center
(309) 782-1337
Just outside the Moline Gate
23 Prospect Drive
Moline, IL
Daily: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
All personnel who are requesting unescorted access to Rock Island Arsenal and not in possession of a DOD ID card, Federal PIV or an installation visitor pass will undergo a National Crime Information Center Interstate Identification Index (NCIC-III) background check. This check involves verifying the individual's identity and checking their criminal history against the Army Fitness Adjudication Standards. Those with derogatory information related to the Army Fitness Adjudication Standards will be denied unescorted access to the installation.
Be aware that all individuals 18 years and older in the vehicle are required to have a background check and pass before being allowed unescorted access to the installation.
Visitor Access Form
When you arrive at the Visitor Welcome Center, the process will take approximately 5-8 minutes per person, so please allow for extra time when making travel plans. The request form can be pre-filled out online or completed at the Visitor Welcome Center the day of your visit.
This form can be emailed to usarmy.RIA.imcom.mbx.usag-access-request@army.mil. We request you follow the below guidance:
1. Due to the high number of requests please submit at least 3 days prior to pass dates.
2. Please submit only one request. Multiple requests for a pass from several different individuals delays the pass request processing.
3. Please check you spam/junk folders routinely. At times email providers direct our responses to spam/junk folders.
4. Please provide as much information in your initial email as possible. Many times your request or question can be processed/answered on the first email.
By requesting a pass, you are agreeing to a background check, which uses the National Crime Information Center Interstate Identification Index (NCIC-III), a Federal Bureau of Investigation database that provides criminal histories from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Army Fitness Adjudication Standards (Disqualifying Factors):
1) The NCIC-III contains criminal arrest information about the individual that causes the Installation Commander to determine the individual presents a potential threat to good order, discipline, or health and safety on the installation.
2) The installation is unable to verify the individuals claimed identity based on the reasonable belief that the individual has submitted fraudulent information concerning his or her identity in the attempt to gain access. Individuals found using fraudulent passes and hiding in vehicles will be denied under this category as well as may be titled with criminal charges.
3) The individual has a current arrest warrant in NCIC, regardless of the offense or violation.
4) The individual is currently barred from entry or access to a federal installation.
5) The individual has been convicted of crimes encompassing sexual assault, robbery, rape, child molestation, production or possession of child pornography, trafficking in humans, drug possession with the intent to sell or drug distribution.
6) The individual has a U.S. conviction for espionage, sabotage, treason, terrorism or murder.
7) The individual is a registered sex offender.
8) The individual has a felony conviction within the last ten (10) years, regardless of the offense or violation.
9) The individual has been convicted of a felony firearms or explosives violation. (No time limit).
10) The individual has engaged in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force.
11) The individual is identified in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) as known or suspected of being a terrorist or belonging to an organization with known links to terrorism or support terrorist activity.
All official and unofficial visitors denied access based on derogatory information may request an installation denial appeal packet. Information required to submit an installation denial appeal packet will be provided to the individual by personnel at the Visitor Welcome Center.
A section of the National Defense Authorization Act FY2020 expanded some on-post shopping and recreational activities for certain veterans and their caregivers, survivors and next of kin who have a new, Veteran Health Identification Card, issued by the Veterans Administration. The VHIC, along with other government-issued, approved identification, can also now allow people access to military installations.
Affected personnel categories are:
- Veterans with service-related disabilities
- Caregivers of Veterans with service-related disabilities
- Certain surviving spouses
- Purple Heart recipients
- Medal of Honor recipients
- Former prisoners of war
Veterans and primary family caregivers who are eligible for expanded access to Commissary, Exchange and DFMWR facilities and have a Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC) must first visit the Visitor Welcome Center for a background check and VHIC registration. Registration is only available to be completed at the Visitor Welcome Center during normal hours of operations. The Visitor Welcome Center is located outside the Moline Gate. After a favorable vetting, the VHIC will be registered for continuous vetting through Rock Island Arsenal’s Access Control Points. The VHIC will then serve as a valid form of ID to access to the installation and remain valid for one (1) year. VHIC's may be renewed annually at the Visitor Welcome Center.
VHIC card holders do not have Trusted Traveler status.
The REAL ID Act is a federal policy which establishes minimum security standards for license issuance and production and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for certain purposes driver’s licenses and identification cards from states not meeting the Act’s minimum standards. The purposes covered by the Act are: accessing Federal facilities, entering nuclear power plants, and, boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft. If your state is out of compliance with Real ID, you may be required to show additional forms of identification before being granted access to Fort Riley.
Rock Island Arsenal visitors with out-of-state driver's licenses can view their state's current compliance status at:
Passenger Vehicles are authorized at any Access Control Point with proper IDs (CAC, Retiree ID, Visitor Pass, etc.).
Commercial Vehicle are any vehicle operated for the transportation of persons or property in the furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise and must process through Commercial Vehicle Inspection (Outside Moline Gate). Vehicles used for a commercial purpose, such as construction / job trucks, vans not designed for passengers, moving vehicles, semi-trucks, LTL deliveries, etc.
This is our main gate.
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Commercial vehicles will utilize Commercial Vehicle Inspection Lane before Entry
Weekdays: 5:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. (Outbound only 10:30 p.m. – Midnight)
Weekends: 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Closed on Federal Holidays except Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day Ceremony
Weekdays: Outbound Only to Iowa 2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Weekends: Closed
Closed on Federal Holidays

In accordance with the Army Safety Program, AR385-10, CH 11-9, all riders entering Rock Island Arsenal must be properly licensed and wear the required Personal Protective Equipment to operate a motorcycle on RIA.
PPE consists of Department of Transportation approved Helmet, eye protection, foot protection, long sleeve shirt or jacket, long pants, full fingered gloves/mittens.

For the purpose of accessing Rock Island Arsenal, vehicles used for a commercial purpose, such as construction / job trucks, vans not designed for passengers, moving vehicles, semi-trucks, LTL deliveries, etc. are required to use Commercial Vehicle Inspection and enter through the Moline Gate. All commercial and oversized vehicles are subject to inspection. Bill of lading or invoice must contain an address on the installation. All occupants must be vetted. Reservists, Retirees or Dependents operating a commercial vehicle must possess and installation visitor pass.
For more information on what qualifies as a commercial vehicle and what is a passenger vehicle, please view "Vehicle Types" below.

Personal Firearms
Personal firearms are not authorized on Rock Island Arsenal.
Anyone entering the installation in possession of a firearm must declare the weapons at the gate to Force Protection personnel.
Soldiers and Family members living on Rock Island Arsenal are required to register their weapons to the Rock Island Arsenal Police Department in Building 225. Once registered, if you are traveling with your firearm you will need to present proper identification and registration at the gate.