The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) helps Soldiers prepare for their post-military career, whether they are seeking employment, starting a business, or pursuing higher education or technical training. In partnership with the Dept. of Labor, Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Small Business Administration, TAP provides benefits counseling, job search training, career planning and employment assistance, and connects Soldiers with resources needed to achieve their career goals. Family members of transitioning Soldiers are also eligible for and encouraged to use TAP services.

In accordance with AR 600-81, Soldiers are eligible to start using TAP services 18 months from their ETS date or 24 months from their retirement date, and are required to start no later than 12 months from their separation date. To get started, Soldiers should contact the TAP Center to schedule their initial counseling. Click here for an overview of the TAP process

The Army's TAP goals also include support to the manning of the total Army. TAP supports the Army's Active Component recruiting efforts by producing successful alumni. The decision to enlist in the military, more specifically the Army, is often influenced by friends and relatives. When alumni are successful, they serve as powerful examples of what Army service can do for a young man or woman's future. Those who are capable of translating Army skills, training and experience into rewarding careers are living billboards promoting the Army as a great plact to start. TAP also supports Active Component retention by helping Soldiers to intelligently compare their Army earnings, benefits and potential for growth with what they can reasonably expect to achieve in the private sector. Many TAP clients realize that they need to stay on active duty in order to gain new skills, education and experience. The program is therefore an effective retention tool as well as recruiting.

For information about VA benefits, transitioning Soldiers, veterans and family members can contact the TAP Center’s Veterans Benefits Advisor. For assistance with disability claims and status appeals, please email an Overseas Military Services Coordinator at or OMSCs can schedule appointments at both the Kaiserslautern and Baumholder TAP centers.

The Transition Center performs separation and pre-retirement services for Soldiers.

Click here to go to the Transition Center page