MISSION: To provide safe, clean, comfortable and functional facilities in a clean environment to meet the needs of Soldiers, civilians and family members within U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz.


Enhance the readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces by:

  • Providing quality, responsive support to the community for facilities, utilities and natural resources.
  • Providing a responsive feedback system to the customer concerning requested support.
  • Reviewing and technically approving all projects to ensure engineering adequacy and compliance with the USAG RP Facility Plan, the Installation Design Guide, current Department of Army construction criteria and IMCOM-Europe guidelines for offices.
  • Managing the Environmental Program to ensure compliance with the Environmental Quality Control Committee, U.S. and host nation statutes and regulations.
  • Managing community construction, maintenance and repair programs.
  • Encouraging customer participation in the self-help program.
  • Managing Army Family Housing, off-post housing and barracks.
  • Providing liaison for all U.S. Army personnel and their family members served by the Air Force Housing Office on Vogelweh.

Key Points of Contact

DPW Director

+49 (0)611-143-541-4000 (DSN 541)

Lead Facility Engineer (Baumholder)

+49 (0)611-143-531-3131 (DSN 531)

Administrative and Operation Chief

+49 (0)611-143-541-4736 (DSN 541)

Coleman Work Site

+49 (0)611-143-528-5798 (DSN 528)

Germersheim Army Depot

+49 (0611) 143-541-0140 (DSN 541)


+49 (0611) 143-541-5900 (DSN 541)

DPW email contacts:

ANY QUESTIONS: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.id-europe.list.dpwonestop@army.mil

CUSTODIAL: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.id-europe.list.dpw-custodial-service@army.mil


SOLID WASTE: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.id-europe.list.dpw-solid-waste@army.mil



KMC BARRACKS: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.usag.list.kmchousing@army.mil


BMC ROADS & GROUNDSusarmy.rheinland-pfalz.usag.list.dpw-bmc-roads-and-grounds@army.mil

KMC ROADS & GROUNDS: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.usag.list.dpw-kmc-roads-and-grounds@army.mil   


BMC SUBMIT 4283: USAG-RP_bmcsubmit4283@army.mil

KMC SUBMIT 4283: USAG-RP_kmcsubmitt4283@army.mil


KMC REIMBURSABLE PROJECTS: usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.usag.list.dpw-kl-reimbursable-team@army.mil



BMC (Off Post): 0611-143-531-2996  BMC (On Post): 0611-143-531-2978

KMC (Off Post): 0631-536-6622  KMC (On Post):  ArMA or 0631-411-7175           

Housing/Barracks Issues

Our enduring obligation is to take care of our people — our Soldiers, families and civilian employees. We are fully committed to providing a safe, secure environment on our installation. If you are a resident on post housing or barracks, the following process can be used to resolve maintenance issues. 

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Environmental Management Division

Ensure the long term sustainability of the installation through compliance with Federal Environment laws and regulations, protection of natural and cultural resources, prevention of pollution, environmental training, environmental inspections and public outreach for the wellbeing of the Rheinland-Pfalz military community.

Find information about the Environmental Management Division on their SHAREPOINT PORTAL (CAC required).

Drinking Water

Read this PAMPHLET for information on drinking water monitoring, reporting procedures for water discoloration, and routine water testing parameters.

Check out the FY23 Consumer Confidence Water Quality Report

Legionella Testing

Environmental Final Governing Standards for Germany require the annual monitoring of bathroom showers for Legionella bacteria throughout USAG RP and U.S. Army garrisons across Germany to include on-post housing and tenant unit buildings.

Learn about Legionella testing HERE.


Learn about residential indoor mold and mold air sample results HERE.

Radon Testing


Get information about waste management on our RECYCLING page.