The goal of the TSC is:

  • To provide the best training support services to America’s finest Soldiers. Our mission is to manage all Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS) within Parks Reserve Forces Training Area and the AR 350-38 Area of Responsibility (AOR).
  • To provide TADSS equipment, training and training support to all Reserve Components, active Army, National Guard, ROTC and other DoD Agencies located within the AR 350-38 AOR. Develop and maintain a customer-oriented culture, set expectations of quality, provide a motivating climate and help solve problems.
  • The TSC has two large Classrooms that can be reserved for training. There is also internet capability in the classrooms and voice line. If needed, the classrooms can be combined. 

To Request Training Support for Classrooms, Simulators, call 925-875-4950 or 925-875-4305.

Training Support Center (TSC) users are require to establish and maintain a TS-MATS (Training Support-Material Armywide Tracking System) Account in order to request /receive training aids or training support from TSC. POC 925-875-4203, email: