Units/Tenants (In Alphabetical Order)
1-363rd Training Support Battalion (TSBn), known as the “Gunslinger Battalion” is a premier decisive action and hybrid threat training organization that actively assists Reserve Component and National Guard units to meet the needs of today’s modern, multi-component Army.
The 191st Army Band takes pride in representing the United States Army and the 63rd Regional Support Command (RSC) to local communities of the San Francisco Bay Area. Through music we join our fellow Army Bands in providing support to troops, instilling in our Soldiers the will to fight and win, fostering the support of our citizens, and promoting our national interests.
On order, the 368th MI BN provides trained, equipped and ready Soldiers who conduct multidiscipline intelligence collection, analysis and reporting, provide mission command, force protection, sustainment of subordinate elements and conduct counterintelligence activities, to meet the operational intelligence requirements of Combatant Commands and the National Intelligence Community.
Establish operations at Camp Parks, CA and aggressively coordinate with various Regions to assist in preparation to conduct scheduled Army Program for Individual Training (ARPRINT) Mission(s) to conduct Military Occupational Skill Qualification (MOSQ), Additional Skill Identifier (ASI), Non-Commissioned Officer Education System (NCOES), Sustainment and Transition Training for Reserve Component/Active Component (RC/AC) soldiers which enables armed forces components to mobilize and deploy units capable of meeting wartime mission requirements. The Camp Parks TASS (Total Army School System) Training Center (TTC) supports Health Services Career Management Field (CMF), Quartermaster CMF and Personnel Service Support CMF
The Camp Parks Mission Training Complex (PMTC) is one of five USAR MTCs that are assigned to the 84th Training Command. The PMTC supports the development, integration, and synchronization of unit staffs with facility space, Mission Command (MC) solutions, and MC classes to assist in building readiness and stimulating leaders and units to successfully exercise Mission Command in support of Multi-Domain Operations.
The Army Counterintelligence mission is to detect, identify, and assess foreign intelligence and insider threats then counter, neutralize, or exploit those threats in order to protect Army forces, facilities, information, and critical technologies.
The 9th Bn/104th Regt (HS) provides health services non-commissioned officer education school (NCOES) ALC/SLC Phase 2 and MOS 68W Phase 3 training in accordance with TRADOC programs of instruction to all branches of the service and DOD civilians. The Battalion provides instructors, instructional material, and equipment needed to conduct all phases of training in career management field (CMF) 68 series.
These units do not have web pages
On Order, the Western Cyber Protection Center (WCPC) provides trained, equipped and ready Soldiers to conduct cyber operations in support of Computer Network Defense for Army and Joint Commands in order to achieve information superiority in Cyberspace.