What is your status? Required Active DutyGuard/ReserveRetireeDoD CivilianFamily MemberLocal NationalContractor What is your sponsors Rank / Grade? Required What is your branch of service or your sponsor’s? Required ArmyAir ForceNavyMarinesCoast GuardN/A What is your age? Required 18-2425-3031-3940-4950-5960+ What is your current marital status? Required SingleMarriedIn a long-term relationshipWidowed How many people live in your household (including you)? Required 123456+ How long have you been at your current duty station? Required 0-6 months7-12 months1-2 years2-3 years>3 years In the last 12 months, how long have you or your sponsor been deployed or on a rotational assignment? Required 1-3 months4-6 months7-9 months10-12 monthsN/A Are you actively seeking employment? Required Yes No Are you geographically separated from your immediate family? Required Yes No N/A Are you interested in volunteering? Required Yes No How do you like to get information and updates from ACS? (check all that apply) In person (classes, briefings, SFRG groups, etc.) In person (one-on-one with program staff) Through the unit Phone Email ACS website Virtually Social Media Print media (brochure, fliers) Other (please specify below) If "Other" was selected in the above question: Are you concerned about your financial readiness? Required Yes No If yes, would you like to speak with a financial counselor? Yes No During the COVID-19 time period, did ACS help you meet your needs? Required YesNoSomewhat If YES, how did ACS help you? One-on-one Appointment or Support Virtual/Email/Phone Support Lending Closet How would you like ACS services to be delivered? Required In person Virtual Are you a military leader or involved in SFRGs? Required Yes No If yes, do you use or recommend ACS services? YesNoOther (please specify below) If "Other" was selected in the above question: Which ACS services have you used before or currently use? (Check all that apply) Required Army Emergency Relief Army Family Team Building Financial Readiness Program Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Family Advocacy Program (FAP)- New Parent Support Program FAP- Relationship/Parental Education/Victim Advocacy Program/Emergency Placement Care Program Employment Readiness Program Relocation Readiness Program Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention Program (SHARP) Mobilization & Deployment/Stability Support Operations Information, Referral & Follow-up Program/Outreach Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC) Computer Lab, Fax or Telephone Services Army Volunteer Corps Army Family Action Plan Survivor Outreach Services Coupons Lending Closet I have never used ACS services Which ACS events have you participated in? (check all that apply) Required ACS Classes / Workshops Support Groups Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony Outreach Information Tables Career / Job Fair Movie Nights Awareness Events Virtual Services I have never participated in any ACS event Other (please specify below) If "Other" was selected in the above question: How do you find out about upcoming programs and events? (check all that apply) Required Family & MWR Website MWR Facebook Page Garrison Okinawa Facebook Page Television SFRG Meeting Community Calendar Command Briefings Garrison / MWR Facebook Page Local Newspaper Radio Command Information Channel Word of Mouth Email Other (please specify below) If "Other" was selected in the above question: Would you be interested in taking any of the following classes or workshops? (check all that apply) Required Stress & Anger Management Class English as a second Language SFRG/SFRSA Parenting Skills Relocation Sponsorship Training Volunteer Management Deployment/Re-Integration Informational Meetings Family Advocacy Workshops MFLC Smooth Moves Financial Management Language Relationship Skills Resume Writing/Job Interview USA Jobs Workshops Career Development Host Nation Tour Host Nation Briefing for Family Member New Parent Support activities Do you have any suggestions that will help us better serve you? If you would like us to contact you, please leave your email address or phone number: Please type the letters and numbers shown in the image. Click the image to see another captcha. Submit