Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private, non-profit organization established to assist Soldiers, Retirees and their Family members in emergency financial situations due to no fault of their own.    (Please note, AER is not currently available for military veterans who have not served to full retirement).  Financial assistance may be given in the form of an interest-free loan, grant, or combination of the two.  Loans are repaid by an allotment. 

Applicants are seen by appointment or command referral only.  To request an appointment, please call 508-206-4026 or email  During After Hours, please call the Armed Forces Red Cross at 877-272-7337.  During Natick AER Office closures, please call the Hanscom Air Force Base Air Force Aid Society at 781-225-2765.

The annual installation AER Campaign takes place from March 15 to May 1.  For more information or to participate, please call 508-206-4026.