The Directorate of Emergency Services (DES) supports the Fort McCoy Community by providing 24/7 services for protection, welfare, and safety of all who live, work or train at the installation and provides mutual aid and assistance to the surrounding communities. Primary DES functions include law enforcement, physical security, fire protection and prevention, emergency medical services, and enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications. DES responds to emergency situations and supports functions that plan responses, educate the community, and disseminate public safety-related information. DES also serves as the subject-matter expert and primary incident commander for small- and large-scale incidents.
The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR) serves Soldiers, Families, Retirees and Civilians. DFMWR provides an array of services and programs including Family, child and youth programs, recreational, sports and fitness activities, food and catering, entertainment, travel and leisure and lodging operations.
The Fort McCoy Directorate of Human Resources (DHR) is available to assist all Soldiers, Department of the Army Civilians, Family members, contractors and Retirees. DHR provides services through its Administrative Services Division (official mail, publications, Freedom of Information Act); Military Personnel Division (congressional inquiries, records maintenance, retirements, separations, reassignments, ID cards, awards and personnel actions, officer and enlisted evaluations, retirement services, and line-of-duty investigations); Army Substance and Abuse Program (unit prevention leader, substance abuse, and suicide prevention training; Department of the Army civilian and military personnel urinalysis testing) and Workforce Development (garrison civilian training and development).
The Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security (DPTMS) serves Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Families, and Department of the Army civilians with an array of services and programs to support joint, interagency, intergovernmental and multi-national training requirements throughout the Army Force Generation cycle.
The Directorate of Public Works at Fort McCoy is a Department of Defense leader in providing exceptional infrastructure, engineering resources, housing and facility management support and services incorporating sustainable development. It's DPW’s mission to ensure the long-term viability of Fort McCoy's ability to support the military commanders and joint base community, advancing environmental stewardship, community relations and quality of life.
The Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) promotes readiness and quality of life through the commitment to equality of opportunity and fair treatment of Soldiers and Family members without regard to race, color, religion, gender or national origin and nurtures an environment in which personnel contribute to the mission, realize individual goals, and serve in the highest tradition of America's Army.
The core functions of the Office of the Inspector General are to assist, inspect, investigate, and teach and train. It is the right of any person to contact the OIG for assistance; however, complainants are encouraged to attempt to resolve issues through their chain of command before seeking inspector general support.
The Garrison Information Management Office (GIMO) is the Garrison Commander’s staff element responsible for enabling business and mission processes through effective internet technology (IT) / information management (IM) process and resource management. The GIMO coordinates service definition, management oversight, advice, and planning of IT/IM requirements and serves as the strategic partner for IT/IM coordination between the Garrison, Network Enterprise Center (NEC), IMCOM Directorate-Readiness (ID-R), and IMCOM G6.
The Fort McCoy Installation Legal Office provides a variety of legal services to the Fort McCoy command and military community. Claims services and assistance are available to the general public only when a member of the public or an organization is involved in an incident involving financial loss caused by a member of the Army or Department of the Army civilian employee while on official duty.
​The Installation Safety Office (ISO) serves the Soldiers and Department of Army civilian employees in garrison and tenant organizations at Fort McCoy, as well as military personnel from all branches of the armed forces who are at the installation for training. The ISO promotes readiness and quality of life through the prevention of accidental injuries, illness, and property damage. Services provided by the ISO include periodic safety visits at construction sites, annual facility inspections (performed to Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards), safety training, accident/incident Investigations, and dissemination/ distribution of safety literature and information products.
The Internal Review and Audit Compliance Office (IRACO) serves as the principal advising office to the Garrison Commander and staff on all audit-related matters, providing external audit and internal analytical information related to efficiency of operations, stewardship of resources and adequacy of management controls. The IRACO serves as the Command point of contact for Army Audit Readiness. The IRACO customer base is limited to organizations internal to U.S. Army Garrison Fort McCoy.
The Plans, Analysis and Integration Office (PAIO) is the Garrison Commander’s staff element for executing installation-level strategic planning, provide analysis of performance data and integrates the Commander's priorities across functions in support of base operations.
The Public Affairs Office increases public awareness of the Army’s mission, policies and programs, inspires patriotism, and fosters good relations with the various publics with which the Army comes into contact at home and abroad. Public Affairs activities generally reflect three focus areas: command information, community relations, and media relations. The mission of Public Affairs is to fulfill the Army's obligation to keep the American people and Army personnel informed and to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America's Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war.
The Fort McCoy Garrison Religious Support Office (RSO) mission is to assist commanders in ensuring the free exercise of religion for all personnel at Fort McCoy, by nurturing the living, caring for the wounded, and honoring the fallen. Our vision is to see Soldiers, Civilians and their Families inspired to love God deeply, serve others intentionally, and nurture each other fully at Fort McCoy and within their local communities.
The Fort McCoy Resource Management Office (RMO) advises and assists the Garrison Commander and garrison staff on all matters regarding resource planning, programming and execution. The RMO has responsibility for the following financial-management programs: programming and budgeting, manpower and equipment management, management accounting, internal controls, support agreements, contract management support, civilian pay, defense travel system, government travel card and vendor pay liaison.